M0sirys small tent experiences

yes she wants to be on my side every part of the day ! its nice but sometimes it stresses alot!.

yeah it is from the pinky and brain show! i use that a lot :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:
btw i started watching the gentalmen. it so funy i laught hard on the first 4 episodes! i think i ĺl wacht the other half later !


It is great isn’t it! I watched it so fast I couldn’t believe it. Even stayed up super late watching the last two episodes. I knew it was from pinky and the brain! We are definitely similar ages, I love it! As for being by your side constantly I get it, my dog is the same, she’s my shadow or my “Klingon” lol she’s even jealous when I kiss my wife, no joke. It’s so funny, and at the same time touching. Truly shows you UNCONDITIONAL love, they would lay on a grenade for us! No question


Lol I don’t care about smell. You can smell the aroma coming from my house in a 20ft radius. Thats coming from a nose blind stoner who is used to the smell! My neighbor said when I opened my windows last night everything rieked of weed lmfao! The new neighbors across the street probably got a glimpse of me walking my ladies around to get a taste of the sun yesterday for pics and then im like oh shoot right all the windows are blinds are open up here and put MT back away really quick


Me and my fiance are licensed cultivators so no worries on our end from the legal system


out of likes guys so take these :heart: :heart: :heart: !

the show was really a good recommendation! i’m already looking forward to what happens next!

yes, that’s what i thought too, that we have a similar age. my son once called me a dinosaur, unbelievable ! :rofl: :rofl:

yes that’s one of those things with animals! it’s totally ok that they want to get close to me! but mine are attention junkies! i really can’t move a meter without one of them following me! i mean if they were dogs it would be ok but they are cats dammit! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but the dog is just a bit jealous not vicious i hope


thats is good to hear ! i personaly like the smell of weed! but i can understand thatnot everyone is enjoing it!

i would love to grow like you than. free from restrains! but I know exactly that I would degenerate!

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I really want to be able to grow outside but I’m confined to my basement :weary:

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Haha it’s crazy ! I still feel like I’m a kid myself, but am quickly reminded I am not when I move lol

And no Charlii isn’t mean really she just try’s to push us apart, it’s hilarious, or if we are on the couch and my wife is laying on me , Charlii has to be touching me too , it’s so funny . I’ve never seen anything like it tbh


Lmfao! My daughter told my fiance who is 4.5 years younger than me that she probably grew up with the dinosaurs! Kids I swear! :rofl: I’ll be 30 beginning of April for context


Good afternoon brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Hope your week is off to a great start and have a great day!

Such a beautiful sight!


thank you i hope you had a great start too! :slight_smile:

yeah the plants are doing well. today is day flowering day 56. they just need to bulk up a bit more!

i think they will need 11-13 weeks to finish. i post an update later when lights are on .
iḿ so eager to smoke it! the smell is sureal :slight_smile:


Seriously I would love to walk through a forest just like that. Like prehistoric trees with an awesome fog.
They almost remind me of a corn field too.
Would love to get lost in there :raised_hands:


Good morning @m0sirys and friends! I hope all is well over there.


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 :wave:
Morning @m0sirys and everyone else haha :coffee: :sunrise:


Good morning @HappyTrees23s i hope you are doing great my friend :pray:t3:

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Goodmorning @m0sirys and gang!

I got slightly behind on your thread but I’m catching up lol

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no worries im behind my own thread. :joy: :joy: :joy:

need to take pics later on for an update

wish ya all a great day!!!


Haha story of my OG life! Hope you and yours are well @m0sirys


Happens to the best of us, @m0sirys ! All the best to ya’, and looking forward to seeing what you’ve got goin’ this week.
Stay up


thanks brotha i`m fine ! :slight_smile: just a little more to do than normally.

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