M0sirys small tent experiences

Both plants look great! Excited to see the up potting results.

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good morning Overgrow !:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

That’s great, I’m already looking forward to it, excited as hell :smiley:
Iḿ a little behind. with WC flowering, even while everthing is doing well so far .
and i want to give Bam Bam and Chunky Junky a little more time to bulid more biomass. before i putting them to the other mothers, where they get less light,

Here are some Bam Bam pics a about 3 old or so.
as i have a sorrow child wich CJ ,i also have with Bam Bam :sweat_smile:
i need some advice on Bam Bam #2 varieagta or is it time to cull it like demons in diabolo?
thanks in advanced and have aq great day you all


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Such a great name. I hope the effects are like this!

Seems to be growing like the others, I’d keep it going to see if it grows out of it. I would only think about culling it if it was really lagging behind the others.


good morning brother. yeah thats the same what I thought. watching and than decide.
i don´t think this i a kind of tabacco mosaic virus.

it is not really laggin behind in any way as far as i can say, has healthy root growth and no dry and crisp spots or cracks on the leave.
so probably a varieagata. that would be woth keeping. here a pics from today.

and here some root shots


Good morning OG!

WC flowering day 1 a little late than i would liked but yeah … I put in an ssh clone to try some of the Sour D. pollen i have left. So we might get SSSH. Some how sounds terrible :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:
But we’ll take care of that when seeds come out :smiley: Otherwise there’s not much to report except that Bam Bam and Chunky Junky are both now in big rockwool cubes and waiting to became nice mothers

Temp = 25,8 °c
RF = 54 %
par = 480

have a great day you all! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Remind me of something, but I can’t put it straight, about a reservoir or something like that :thinking: :laughing:

Should have some good smoke in there.


haha funny don´t put to much sssh in you rezz, the plant probaly don´t like it! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i hope so too :smiley:


I’m so bad to start seedlings in rockwhool that it’s a pleasure to see yours ^^


thank you brotha :slight_smile:


probably super sour silver diesel haze (sssdh)


hehe you win!

Only I have no price for you apart my friendship :wink:



good morning growmigos,

hope you are all doing well!

At the moment, I have a lot on my plate and i am not online as often as usual.
Regardless of this, time for an update, or what do you think? :slight_smile:

Today we have reached flowering day 17 and Wedding Cake looks a little different from the last update. :smiley:

So far everything remains unchanged in terms of nutrients, watering cycle, etc. The plants look healthy, so no need to change anything, at least not this week. There is not much more to report regarding the Wedding Cake.

Unfortunately, 2 Bam Bam and 2 Chunky Junky didn’t make it. I can’t say exactly what happened.
My guess is that the low root mass could no longer support the larger plant. Despite the heat mat and humidifier, they didn’t seem to be able to grow enough roots. :frowning:
Another Bam Bam is a male and a Chunky Junky is still trying to show what she is. As you can see, that leaves us with one Bam Bam and one Chunky Junky mother. I am sure that both will survive and I will continue to work with them. Both are very beautiful plants and deserve their own grow.

Hopefuly my new light will arrive soon… waiting six weeks sucks alot.

have a great friday and a relaxed weekend


Good morning @m0sirys your plants look amazing! Sorry to hear about losing 2 plants but I’m sure your gonna truck right along regardless!


thank you brother ! your stuff also looks great ! still watching even if i`m not writing :slight_smile:


Good morning and thank you brother! Yeah I finally flipped a tent to flower (5×5). I’m so ready to start seeing buds across my canopy again lol


It’s always nice when the buds start to form :slight_smile: Looking forward to see your tent is in full bloom ! :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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good monring OG !

so today is flowering day 21 for the Wedding Cake. only 4 day since the last update. so not much to see i guess. but today i have time and i don´t want to wait 16 till the next update ! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

here we have a Bam Bam male. the first of her kind MCR is also a male
one Chunky Junky is also a male, but i forgot to take a photo.

So now my two new mothers plants :

first Chunky Junky by @BigMike55 very nice and healthy plant can´t wait to flower her. iḿ very sorry that iḿ that slow with her bigmike. But i think she will get a nice run with the new light that should be sent to me soon. root growth is starting as you can see. so she is going to explode anytime soon and will give me alot of healthy cuttings. big thanks @BigMike55 for gifting these seeds to me brotha!

the seconde one is Bam Bam by @Rhai88

also, such a nice robust plant, with a hugh hallow stem. im also looking forward to grow this one too!
same goes as for the CHunky Junky . waiting for new light. bam bam also gets a nice run with new lights till than i`m going to build her up like i do with all my mothers! also big thanks @Rhai88 for giving me those amazing seeds!!! i cut the top and put it in rockwool for rooting. pic coming next time ! word!

thats it for today! so have a great day and stay safe and sound brothers and sisters!


Man, look at them go. Extremely nice plants. Are you going to put CJ in a bigger pot?
If you do, I highly recommend using a bit of Mycos in the hole. It really helps the roots get big and strong.
Beautiful ladies, brother.


thank you! still out of likes for 20 hours so here are some :heart: :heart: :heart: for you .

No for the mother, this is the final size . :slight_smile: Even if the cube doesn’t look that big, with the right watering it can support large plants and is perfect for mother plants, at least for me. I would definitely like to give mycos a try i always forget to order them :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: stoner… next time i order some nutrients iĺl get some mycos. thanky for the tip!