M0sirys small tent experiences

Congrats you manages not to kill them in 4 days :laughing: Budding nicely.

What’s your watering frequency for mothers in this cubes?

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at least i try not to! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i do say very 3-4 days around 3-4 liters this time of the year. drain to waste to prevent salt building up


That mother plant of yours is definitely showing out like the female uses to make the F2s. Taller and lanky but I will say the buds end up rock hard, super dense. I do recommend trellis or some sort of support heading into flower. Hope she treats you well. Bam bam is still one of my favorite mid day smokes. She won’t but you in the couch but she’ll loosen you up and get you feeling fresh while still be able to accomplish your tasks at hand.

Any sort of stem rub that stands out? Keep me posted if like to see how this run ends up.


that good to hear ! iḿ already loking forward to to try her! . great work you did man!
she is not going into flower not at the moment, im going to take cutting of her and keep her as mother .
thanks for the info on the support. iĺl have tons of yoyo, so that wont be a problem.

stem rub is like sweet earthy i would say ! but strong :slight_smile:


pretty ladies,Bro…good job so far


Good morning everyone! I hope yall have a good day!


thank you brother! hope your ladies are doing well too! how does the new light work for you? Are you satisfied? :slight_smile:


i´m not unzufrieden :wink:

…thats the 2. run ,the first ones still drying


na das sieht doch super aus!


Well, if you search for cannabis variegation images you will notice that variegation are more solid zones and happen mostly in one half of the blade:

Your case is at least suspicious, check the resemblance with the Alfalfa Mosaic virus:


It’s up to you to decide … beer3|nullxnull


You’re scaring everyone now with your AMV pictures :laughing:

But I agree variegation is used quite liberally nowadays. “There’s a white spot on the leave, variegation!”

Not saying you were @m0sirys


As long as they’re contagious I prefer to warn and be wrong than icon8|nullxnull and let things go down hill, I will never say “cull that bitch”… :innocent:


Purely genetic i swear. It will vanish fast (in global coverage rate) while the plant get more torque to process K. Let’s share some teeths broken :

  • Variegated + Mutation = i cull directly, no question.
  • Variegated only (this way) = i don’t reproduce but i grow it.
  • Variegated hardly (harlequin style) = i cull directly.

I wonder how can you swear about this icon_e_confused|nullxnull, fine if you’re right but if not it won’t be the only plant to cull … beer3|nullxnull


Depends what’s the problem for sure. If that’s a viroid…


good morning OG (german time)! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

first of all, thank you @George for taking the time to research answer this! I really appreciate that!!! Your answers or your way of questioning things and getting to the bottom of things, has been great since I’ve been here on OG! The same goes for you @Fuel !

I already culled it a while ago! It also seemed strange to me from the start, which is why I stored the plant in isolation . And I treated it as if it was infected. You can never really be sure, I hope that we in Germany will soon have the possibility to confirm such things 100% via Dna test.

Variegated, can occur in many different variants. I know this only too well from my cactus days! I did not kill the plant directly to observe growth behavior, roots, etc. Chlorophyll disorders can often look like TMV, especially in young plants. This statement is just my observation and I cannot prove it scientifically.

I disposed of it anyway, even though it didn’t show any of the typical TMV symptoms, apart from the color change of course. Better be safe than sorry. So many generous people here have given me seeds and I just don’t want to risk carrying anything over to the next projects because i respect the work you all put in those seeds ect. Especially not because I already have a healthy mother of Bam Bam.

also thank you for you thoughts ! i`m with you on this one! but for the same reason i culled it, Cannabis is just not broccoli/romanesco. I meant it not a cactus. sorry stupid joke for germans :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
Variegated and crisata cacti are popular and collector’s items. Observing these mutations is simply fun because it is beautiful to look at and outside the norm.


Yeah thats i so true to alot of things! people like to jump on to this kind of stuff quickly. without knowing the matter!


I concur!

Well summed up and done.

Make it an EU joke then, had a good laugh while wake’n’baking :laughing: Could be a breeder one even.


by luck i did a good one :smiley:


nah, that’s because you got the vibe! :smiley: