M0sirys small tent experiences

thanky you :slight_smile:


Because i’m a serial killer of seedlings ^^ Joke aside, get a quick look here, click + 5 scroll down.

1st photo. I only have doubt at juvenile stage when the plants (clones or seedlings) are showing a common pattern like the one on the right. Plants affected by viroids (agronomic ones : hop, tabacco etc…) have always a deep disorder on auxin/cytokinins combo (at this stage) that can’t kick full throttle and it affect a lot the shapes. The seedlings of mosyris are dialed (jealous, i sux in rockwhool ^^), helping even more to sturdy the diag.

That’s for the backbone, for the fast laser looking i will be in the shit to explain it in “not in French”. Let’s try.

Take the time to look at the disposition of the patchs. Specifically the stellar portions that are pumping photons like farolas catalanas (^^ ok this one was gross lol).

With a bit of training, you can see fast what was these leaves in earlier stages and how the plant stretched the “stellar patchs with cytos+auxins”, while she “forgot” to fill with complex chlorophyll the sections growing too fast for it’s DNA. The right 3-blades leaf on the right is more easy to catch the “thickness” difference between portions. I’m sure it doesn’t have any sense in English one more time ^^

The trick is to “rewind” in mind the shape like it’s an old VHS tape, then hit “play again”.


Good morning/night growmigos !:slight_smile:

i hope you are all doing well!!! it has been quite some time since the last update.
i started with a new job wich was the reason for me not being around.now finallly i got used to the new times my new obligations, so time to come back !!!. and one thing must be said i missed you all and looking forward to catch up all you threads :smiley: :smiley:

i`ll update the weddingcake grow tomorrow :slight_smile: lights are still out atm and i need to leave soon .

have a great day and night my friends :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Welcome back! Hope the new job is nice and it won’t exhaust you too much. :slight_smile:


Hey my friend, welcome back. You like your new job? Hopefully it was no ‘verschlimmbesserung’ :sweat_smile:


Glad to see you back again! I hope your loving the new job and new schedule! I look forward to your new updates and hearing about your ladies!

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Running out of likes over here…I love your journey…thanks for sharing @m0sirys


Good morning Growmigos!

As promised, here is the update. Today is WC flowering day 47 :slight_smile:

The last few weeks have passed without any major problems, even though I haven’t looked after it as much as usual.
The only thing I would do differently would be to add more MG a little earlier. I’ll be testing Trichome for the first time in about 7 days, I’m looking forward to seeing how they look :smiley:
I’ll be glad when the run is over, (finally buds again :D) as it was just so in between.

As you can see in one of the picture, Chunky Junky and Bam Bam Mama are doing great! And I’m really looking forward to both of them, including my light which will be used for the new run!
I hope you are also looking forward to the new run. Maybe I’ll even put both of them in it - we’ll see, it’ll be exciting either way. :):slight_smile:

Since I still had some Sour Dee pollen, that was a bit older and i had the fear of already wasted, I just took a leftover SHH cutting and pollinated it. h
@funkyfunk maybe there really will be Super Sour Silver Haze soon. :smiley:


thanks brotha,
no its fine the first couple of days was tiring but now everything is fine :slight_smile:

Ne alles gut im Moment ,genau das richtige fürs Erste. Ich erzähl bald ein bissel dazu :slight_smile: Aber erst mal alles aufholen hier :smiley:

thanks brotha ! i’m also happy to be back here ! i missed it so much ! now i need to catch up alll threads gone be fun !!!

thanks buddy ! iḿ glad you enjoy it that is the main reason for doing these reports . i want people to have fun watching it like i have fun watching yours ! :slight_smile:

have a nice day you all ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Awesome again! :laughing:

Well congrats, you kept them in great shape despite being busy!


Good morning OG!

i hope you and your familys are all doing well and you are enjoying summertime!

The WC run finally came to an end . The bud are curing now, all in all the run was easy peasy with no probs and i’m happy about the results so far.
The next run is already prepared! We are going with brother @Bigmike55 s Chunky Junky! And I’m really looking forward to it. :slight_smile:
At the moment, im still cleaning the tent and doing some small adjustments. so as soon as i finished it, i`ll update and show some Chunky Junky pics :slight_smile:
I hope you still enjoy the updates even if i cant be around much !

So without further ado, here are the final pic of the Weddingcake run ejoy and take care and stay healthy my friends!


Well looks like someone’s gonna enjoy the summer here :wink: Enjoy! No need for a lot of updates when in between two grows anayway.


Beautiful and productive harvest :kissing_heart:, always wanted to try that strain, enjoy the summer … ds-850


This looks so tasty @m0sirys
Great Job !
Congrats on all the Positive stuff thats going-on…


good haul,enjoy!

…do you always dry this way? thought about this too,but i guess it´s better to do it in a dark place


Woohoo. Look at those carrot top rascals. I like it a lot.
I’m happy you chose my beans to run next. You’ll be happy. I know I am.


I have to second what @saxo said. Drying in a dark place will get you a better endproduct. Otherwise nice to read you again and I’m happy for you that your new job is great :smiley:


you’ve got a great haul there!

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good morning brother,

thank you!

No, the light is only on because i wanted to take a pic, right after harvest.
I dry in the dark too !:wink: :slight_smile:

thank you! I usually always have the next plant ready to put in :smiley: so only the drying time is Idle :slight_smile:

thank you man, i hope you and your family is doing well ! i love your pics, your outdoor grow is amazing :slight_smile:

hi Georg , thank you !!
if you ever want to try Wedding Cake just let me know!! lĺl send you some clones :wink:

thanks you ,yeah the job is giving me a good feeling all around. only downside is i can´t be here on OG as much as i wanted to ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

in the dark is how i dry my stuff for 20 years. in my experience, the best option is one of those ingenious drying cabinets that many people here use. unfortunately, i’m still poor and can’t afford one of those. but one day I’ll get one of these - they’re just so practical


do you mean those cannatrols? otherwise a small tent with a cheap exhaust and filter will make it too :wink:

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