M0sirys small tent experiences

yeah cannatrol damn right! i like the idea around the dewpoint and how this thing is build! even if the price is a little high! but i guess it is worth for getting control over so much stats.

yeah thatś is enough for sure. but i like to try new stuff too ! :smiley:


glad you like it brother! i`m happy to be able to run her! you grow pics from the chunky junkys are amazing. i hope iĺl do a good job with her ! So far it is a great, vital plant! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So here are some pics from her and the clone for the new mother, after putting her in the tent hope you enjoy them. she still needs to ne trained a little, but it should work out :slight_smile:

have a great day ya all !


i’m too cheap for this one lol maybe when i don’t know where to spend all the money, I’m gonna buy one :laughing:


yes maybe build one yourself ! here is the thread, a project for the winter month, i guess:D


i seem to have missed that kind of, bookmarked. That’s a read for tonight.


Do you maintain a RH% while the crop is Drying @m0sirys

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Excellent job. Those are pretty little ladies. Hope you get some top shelf reefer from those.

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Thanks for your kindness but here in Spain it’s still risky business … beer3|nullxnull


Good morning brotha and happy harvest! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
I hope youre having a great week so far!

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thank you @BigMike55 iḿ pretty sure, that she will give me some “reefer madness” pun intended :rofl:

your welcome ! better not take any risks. should something change in spain, let me know ! :wink:


I have a climate controller that controls the tent. during drying I had 61-65 % rh. temps were between
22 -26 °C


thank you brother! my week was good so far.

hope you are doing well too!!! you plants are looking great man ! :slight_smile:


Of course, this level of Automation I should have known…

The only thing different is I target lower temperatures. Maybe thats an easier task here in Canada when the basements are Cooler !!!

Thanks for that info @m0sirys and have a Great day


Your plants look amazing @m0sirys! Good job on the harvest! Can’t wait to see how your next run turns out for ya!


yeah, i would also love to have it a bit cooler for drying… so a cannatrol or a diy version maybe a peltier element will be the way to go in the future.

unfortunately i don’t have the possibility to use the basement for drying. :frowning:
but in terms of temperature, my apartment remains relatively stable all year round. so i just need to tweak the rh % it works out somehow :slight_smile:

have a great day too my friend!!!

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thank you bro ! yours are looking amazing too! you have so much nice genetics . i wish i could do so much different stains at ones :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Lol you can it’s just a royal PITA


Good morning/night OG!

Today is flowering day 4 for Chunky Junky. :slight_smile:

I hope you are all doing well!

And I have to say, I am amazed at how vital and vigorous this plant is! After I put it in the flowering tent, it took about 3 days for it to really start growing.
I then decided to switch the light to 12/12 on 11.08. What I also found unusual was that the first pistils appeared after just 2 days. So far, a super uncomplicated, great plant.
And already a keeper due to its grow attributes alone. Props @bigmik55 for this great work!

At the moment, the Mars Hydro TS 600 is still on top. As soon as we reach flowering week 3, this will be replaced by a Migro Array 2. I’ve had it here in the box for a while now, but unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to put it into operation yet. I’m looking forward to seeing how well the plant reacts to the extra 25 watts. :slight_smile:

The offspring of Bam Bam and Chunky Junky are also ready. Bam Bam goes into flower directly after Chunky Junky. :slight_smile:
By the way, it’s also a great vital plant! And I’m already looking forward to seeing it flower . :slight_smile:

If I get Bam Bam through this year, I’ll continue with Moon Cheese Rocks F1 to F2 at the beginning of the new year.
Hopefully I will then have enough seeds again to distribute to you. But let’s wait and see how it goes.

Unfortunately, I still don’t have as much time for OG as I would like. But I hope that this will improve a bit in the fall. I’m still thinking of you all! :slight_smile: Stay safe and healthy!!!


hübsch…pretty girl


indeed, hübsches mädchen!

Ich hab jetzt meinen ersten dwc-versuch gestartet, bin mal gespannt wie das wird.