M0sirys small tent experiences

I use Hammerhead and MAOB during flower, both of which both have high concentrates. So that’s why I recommend what I did.

You can even make your own, which I’m going to try this year

Mono Ammonium Phosphate is the main ingredient in MAOB

And hammerhead is basically just
Mono Potassium Phosphate
(MKP 0-52-34)
With a bit of potash added.

Both of those nutrients you can find online for cheap and will give you a lifetime supply.

There are some other things you can add to make an exact copy of either of those (or extremely close to it) and I’m going to try this year.

If anyone wants a link I’ll send in a PM, I just can’t post em here.

In combination tho, I and others have had insane results. It’s well documented on other sites, but again, I can’t post them here.
But I definitely have seen side by sides, and the results are undeniable.

I usually grow in organic coco mixes, so this is the only forced-feeding I do, if any, during a grow. The rest of the nutrients are taken in by the plant according to its own needs.


thanks alot for the input @ifish and @HappyTrees23s itś always welcome. :innocent:

iĺl answer later a little more detailed.:slight_smile:

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ifish your ablsolutly right, it us just a matter of how much you get for your money.

when i restarted growing, i used the fertilizers, i know and had great results with.
but they became pretty expensiv over the years. and most of the companys not clearly stating what is in there product, plus the time came for switching to leds…

so time to change something and using google XD. i was amazed, how much people are using all kind of different salts to feed there plants. they have so much knowledge, which i glady absorb :slight_smile: and i`m thankfull to all these people
for sharing!!! they gave me a whole new world to explore.

i`m changing my nutrient profil every couple of weeks depending on the growth stadium and the genetics.

and looks like that

Week 0 - 3 Vegi N 80, P 20, K 60, MG 23 CA 70

Week 3 Vegi - Week 3 flowering N 140, P 40, K 102, MG 23 CA 70

Flowering Week 3- 5 N 65, P 76, K 113, MG 33 CA 101

Flowering Week 6- 8 N 48, P 76, K 110, MG 23 CA 70

Flowering week 8 till end nearly plan water maybe a little MPK

so going down with P at the end of the lifecycle helps the rippen process.
like i said before, i dont have expirience with coco and dirt. so the nummbers working for me on rockwool!! for me rockwool is easy to use and you have great control over the medium! if anything goes out of control just flush a couple of liters ph corrected water trough it and everything is fine :) for me its working like charm.
but looking at all the great results with the octopots our members have, i’ ll think i give coco another try sometime.

+ps: narf sorry somehow fucked up the format


What’s your iron like ? That’s the next important element : )


around 1+ ppm

Lookin at you feed : ) all feed sheduals tell a story

What’s your tap like


tap water comes out ph 6.5 with ec 0,40
MG 4
ca 71
19,2 na

sorry here a pic with the infos :)i

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Your tap is exactly the same as mine
That’s real nice water

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yeah water is fine here ! so no need for revers osmosis. really exactlythe same nice :sunglasses:

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For me I like 95 n for w3- w8
I also like 2.5-3 ppm of iron


ok thats sounds good so i need to up alittle on N and Fe

Do you see fade starting earlier than w8

nope not really! maybe a few single leaves. but not a real fade. last run with the flc i got som ca problems. but that was most likely my fault for mixing the wrong stuff in atm everything looks fine


Nice grow : )
If you can later take a pic when lights first go out : )

You in rockwool blocks or in Mapito ?

thank you!
i`m using blocks and so called slabs . not sure if the have another name in english

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Do you reuse your blocks / slabs ?

No i dont reuse them!


My last batch of mapito lasted for waay over 5 years ( growing consistently )
If you break up your used slabs you can have mapito kind off
And if you use cannazym at the end and start of each grow it will help break down old roots
Save you aloooooot of money