M0sirys small tent experiences

i never tried to reuse them maybe an option. does it work good with the cannzym?
the slabs are not so expensiv. 5 years is a long time :slight_smile:

I use cannazym from w8 onwards and also in veg
This gradually over all grows stops build up of old roots from previous grows becoming too much

i will keep that at mind and start a test when i need to restock supplies and buy some cannazym.
thank for the tip. that would be a good test for the small tent :smiley:

the only thing i stiil have not in control in this run are the redish stems on the flc. most likely some kind of sunburn and not a def…

Raise mag till 60-65 ppm and up p

If that doesn’t help then also up temps


ok i can try! what should p be at?


Using what’s available to you
What are your options for an easy mix

what is a easy mix sry mabe a stupid question.

i can mix any ppm for any element with the salts i have ,i think

I’ll fire you a DM : )

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Damn…both of u are discussing some interesting stuff rite there…:eyes::grin:

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you think so ? :innocent: any toughts are welcome !!!

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The way I understand, I believe both of you’ll are buying a base fertilizer like 20-20-20 and supplementing cal and mag separately? I understand your using rockwool and requirements are different to coco.
Im using premixed nutrients, gh flora trio to keep it simple but I’m looking forward to working with raw salts because I may be moving after my current grow and availability of nutrients there may be a challenge.
I’m all ears to learn but I don’t really have much experience to contribute on that end. :pray:t3:
I’m surely looking forward to reaching out to you’ll for help. :v:t4::herb::blush:

yes sir your right! ill use agricultre fertilizers they use for growing nearly every vegetable ect.
there are so many combinations you can buy. you could say anyone could finde some to there liking.
mag is supplied trough epson salt and calcinitrit.

I`m just always state that i grow in rockwool so that no one getś confused beacause of me :sweat_smile:

as long as i can help iĺl be more than happy to do so.
we just need all requirements for coco and i think we can work out something.

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Hello Overgrowers,

hope you and your grows are doing well!! :smiley:
FLC reached flowering day 35 and Wedding Cake is on day 31.

not much happening in the flc tent. but the smell is starting to kick in and i love it :slight_smile:
i`m going to remove a couple of leaves in the next week to get the rh a little lower.

after talking a little bit to ifish, i changed the nutrient profil again. so the ec went up to 1.1, hopefully that will not cause the ph to drift to much and stays controllable. I`m looking forward to see how the plants will react.
N= 89 , P= 111, K= 151, MG= 60, CA = 120, S= 125, FE= 2

Temps = 22-26°C
RH = 56-62

EC = 1.1
pH = 5.8
par = 700-900

Wedding Cake is looking good so far! but like the FLC she has a couple redish stems(fan leafs).
not sure ,if it comes from not enough P or from the light or or it something totally different.
i guess, this needs futher research. :slight_smile: looking at the pics on the pc i think i need a new phone or camera!!

Temps = 22-25°C
RH = 57-65 %

EC = 1.1
ph = 5.8
par = 700-900

i wish all of you a nice sunday stay safe!


hello Overgrower,

sorry for the delayed update! my son turned 20 and the party went a little overboard. but it was fun!
so i was a little bit lazy

FLC flowering day 45

after raising the ec to 1.1 with the elemental profil N= 89 , P= 111, K= 151, MG= 60, CA = 120, S= 125, FE= 2
it became a mess pretty quick :confused: to me it seems to much P wich started a downspiral. once again a big mistake
starting with dark spots on the leaf two days after feeding them the new mix. another day later my good old friend ca def apears again.
and last but not least the leafs turned yellow and dry. the ph at hte rhizossphere was 5.3
ok sounds bad i guess! but after a big flush with around 80 liters mild nutrientsolution. the ph became stable again.
they are not looking so nice anymore, but they should be able to finish! next round i`ll be more careful.
i still need to learn alot :slight_smile:

Temps = 21-26°C
RH = 57-63

EC = 0.80
pH = 5.8
par = 700-900

Wedding Cake flowering day 41

Wedding Cake could take the feeding better! no real problems showed up. but i didn`t want to take the risk, to have the same problems like with the FLC so i lowerd the ec of the nutrientsolution too. so we can let her finsih

Temps = 22-24°C
RH = 58-65 %

EC = 0.8
ph = 5.8
par = 700-900

enjoy and stay safe!


Happy belated birthday to your son! :birthday::champagne::tada:
Hope you’ll had a wonderful time together and wishing him the very best for the years to come.:blush:
It’s heartening to see the flc take that hit. Was it mainly an issue caused by raising P alone? But it appears as though they should pull on through with the reset flush.
80 litres is a lot of water! :hushed:
Wedding cake is looking spot on! :ok_hand:t4::wink:

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thanks alot my friend! my son appreciates that! :slight_smile:

yeah was like slap in my face. but thats the game :rofl: at least the flush brought everything back on track. was p the only reason, is good question. i think, it was combi effect from p ca to high ec and then the ph. i ordered a couple of new salts with out P . and standalone edta iron. i hope that will get better numbers with them. and staying in the ranges some study recomended.

yeah wedding cake is doing quite good!i hope they will do like this when iḿ doing the big tent with them.


Hello Overgrower,

FLC flowering day 49

Not much happen since the last update. they are putting up weight, so it seems, i could stop the worst even if they look like shit now. not what i wanted, but yeah shit happens. next time i`ll do better :smiley:

Temps = 21-27°C
RH = 57-66

EC = 0.80
pH = 5.8
par = 700-900

Wedding Cake flowering day 45

Wedding Cake in contrast, is doing good. needed to rearrange her a little bit, she was all over the place.

Temps = 22-24°C
RH = 57-63 %

EC = 0.8
ph = 5.8
par = 700-900




