M0sirys small tent experiences

Hello Overgrower,

FLC flowering day 61

Guys it seems i was so lazy… im sorry but here a update on FLC . Ca def stopt like last time and they started to fade and now look like this. alot of things could be done better! one thing for sure is, the iron level. iw as pretty low on iron by all means. next round im hopefully doing better. Anyway the buds are small but they are rock hard and a good amount of resin. they will be harvested with around 5-10 % amber trichoms, what they should reach in the next 3-6 days. i cant do any trichoms shoots sorry.
My cats thought it would be a great idea to play a game with it. and im̀ sure you can imagine that the only pics the microscope will see ever again… is the trash bin from inside XD


Temps = 21-27°C
RH = 50-58

EC = 0.75
pH = 5.9
par = 800

Wedding Cake flowering death day has been the 16.05.

Wedding Cake amazed me and im̀ sure she is worth a more specific treatment and attantion.
in the next grow i`ll go more in the details on her. hope you will watch her grow again.

in germany we had fathersday yesterday, so my son came by and we spent good time together taking care of the plants and refill the small tent with one weddingcake and an flc. :slight_smile:

Last but not least, i started a couple of seeds, that i recived from Jingelpot Sour D. BX 3 F2 as a free giveaway!! Once again a big big thanks @Jinglepot thanks to you ill be able to start my own crosses, at least i hope so XD. itś going to be a whole new field to explore.and when im looking what all of you do, quite alot of fun. i`ll start a new thread for that journey soon :smiley:

stay safe and healthy

ps: i dońt know why the format once adain is like that . im to …


Hello Overgrow!!!

So here are just 2 pics an flowering day 66! on saturday they are gogiong to be choped! :smiley:
not much to say anymore on this round :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

have a nice day and stay safe!


Nice run of the FLC, soon trim jail. :grin:


thank yoiu @Tejas hope you doing well!!! yeah every once in a while we are all hit to sit in trim jail. :rofl:


Damn ! Your tent is absolutely insane ! Lol
I’m so jealous right now :flushed:

And I can’t wait till you make some crosses. You take such great care of your girls, and make sure to keep the best you find so I KNOW whenever your able, you’ll be making some really amazing genetics :raised_hands:

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Wonderful bro.
Good luck on the harvest! :tada::fire::sparkles:


thanks alot bro! hope you`re doing well!

yeah i hope that something nice will come out of my experiments :smiley:

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thanks bro! i was too lazy today :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
so they are falling on tomorrow i thinnk the plants don´t care at this point :innocent:


Nice work mos. I’ve always wanted to run the Franco lemon cheese. Hopefully she is a good smoke :dash:


Really like your training technique you make that single plant fill the room . What kind of weight you pulling from a single plant trained that way?

thank you ! she sure is a keeper :wink: and there is for alot space upwards i working on the formulations still removing mistakes i made ect ect :slight_smile:


thanks Shiskaberry !!! you mean in the small tent right?

unfortunaly not as much as i wanted :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: just making fun :slight_smile:

FlC was around 65± gram dry weight the mother was quite old already

Weddingcake was 82 gram dry weight a little bit better
110 watts is the marshydro ts 600 old version pulling from th outlet

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couple of days the too next flip XD
but this time i`ll put two in


That’s excellent with not a lot of wattage . I’ve never trained plants to spread out as I’ve got plenty of height. Thanks


thank you!
yeah i see that on you pics and i like that alot. :innocent: i like to watch you and all other people her grow stuff.

hopefully i get over the 1 g =1 watt boarder soon. led growing is so different than with mh/ndl.

ps: there is still so much room for improvment :slight_smile:

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How’s the lemon cheese to smoke? I’ve got a pack of those I haven’t run yet.

it tasty :slight_smile:

in the tent the smell is pretty sweet till week 7 then the cheese kicks in.
when dryed i would say you 75 % dominant cheese and a tasty 25 % lemon.
i have read that there a only 2 phenos not sure if that is really true?

but it is a tasty weed and worth running and keeping a mother :slight_smile:


there is so much to explore matters of genetics. i totaly happy about the Sour Diesel .

i have grown only superskunk for 10 years . so i have lots and lots of stuff to explore. and alot to learn :slight_smile:


Hello overgrowers

a short greeting from trim.jail! 2/3 done 1/3 to go😇


Some serious work but your efforts look rewarding . That’s a pile of bud .