Mac 1 question

I have a cut of MAC, and it grows soooo slow! Been vegging for 2 months, and she’s still small!


Mine has that same twisted/curved leaf as well


Yes sir. Lol I’ve studied certain strains like the lurking strain junky I am. It kinda gives me the impression of a sativa leaning look. Literally if you wanna get through the chaff to the wheat hit pink box up.

S1’s can be all over the place but finding specific terps and other desirable traits aren’t always there. Best advice I got in a while. They have a bunch of small batch clone only strains. Have a good one. Hope you get what you need.:grin::+1:


Sadly most places won’t ship here because of it being a prohibition state. The cut I got shows all the traits. Extremely slow veg, already cut others back 2x and they rooted at the same time, even in dwc where most things explode. Next time I’m traveling for work I hope to be in a legal state and get some good cuts


Ye, looks like mine. Still in quarantine for another day.


I’ll have to get pics tomorrow if mine that’s a little bigger

Heya Oger’s
Here is mine


We got some snazzy mac clones in the vip. Very nice gentleman. You’re gonna have to pry your buddies off your couch now.:laughing::+1:

Enjoy. Gotta see why people feel it’s a privilege to have it. Literally if you say a bad word about it 3 times like candyman the IG trolls will shred you. Hopefully nobody had to do anything crazy for a slice.

It is vegging slowly but not bad. Hopefully she’ll be in the cloner soon.

Y’all be good now. :laughing::v:


Old thread but I’m trying to replace a cut of MAC 1 I got via pink box couple years back. Had my one and only incident with the borg last year and lost it in the battle. I would like one from someone who got it directly but would be happy to get another from PinkBox but they don’t offer it now and when asked won’t say more.
No one seems to have her available @ Strainly which is odd since so many vendors offered it. Then I heard of some legal action by cap to make people stop using the “MAC 1” name. ?!? I can find no real solid information why this incredible cut has seemingly disappeared except for the ones who had it in their personal gardens. I have been at his bean basement etc. I am not joining the dirt subscription unless I can verify it’s a for sure way to access a cut which I would gladly do. Plus then the grow journal thing. Kind of seems he wants people to sing and dance to his tune for some kind of ego reinforcement all while he doesn’t get people’s desire to pay him for cuts does the same thing to boost his ego AND make him $$. I also wonder if he has an approved vendor he works through. I’m just trying to figure out why it went from being pretty much everywhere and real deal cuts to unobtanium.