ISO that ever so elusive MAC1

Hey fellow Overgrowers… if anyone has a stock of seed form MAC1 (from what I understand its clone only) I’d love to play with it a little bit. Ill definitely make it worth your while. I also saw someone on here had a Slurricane/MAC cross :eyes: that would be awesome as well. Let me know what hiding out there fellas. :sunglasses:


Also if there’s a nice Ghost OG cut out there, I can see a Ghost MAC happening


SOOOO Hott right now ! hmu if you score some. I know of a member on ic that has it and lives about 3 hours away from me. Was gonna offer him sexual favors for a cut ! lol

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seeds are available now from Expert seed company and supposedly on strainly

Absolutely. I know Cap said himself it doesn’t breed very well with others but I’ve seen some impressive crosses happen.

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Yikes $150 for a clone… ouch

I’m interested but I cant bring myself to be 150$ interested lol


Pink box has it for $100

I can make 33 clones every couple weeks. Should we buy one and clone it out for free?


How reliable is PinkBox? Ever used before?

No but checked them out on a recommendation from here. Can’t remember who recommended but I wouldn’t have checked them out initially if it wasn’t from someone trustworthy. I’ll try to find the thread.

Looks like a legit biz from this thread

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Lol not w MAC1 u cant. Its like the skowest vegging plant ever


I sold a pack of original MAC seeds for like 1000usd last fall.

There are version 2 seeds around. Id imagine Cap will make more eventually but not sure.

$150 is next to nothing for an elite clone. Its a never ending resource.
Seriously, you probably pay $80 for a mylar eighth but$150 is too much for an endless supply of too notch chronic??
Please explain the logic

First time u grow an ‘elite cut’ you will understand it.

Also, MAC1 is supposed to be free to people who deserve it.

Just sayin,


Deserve is a strong word in that context… I’m sure you meant no harm by it because I know he gifts it to certain folks, but I dont know if deserve is the right word…

But out of curiosity, how did you come about your pack of seeds? Did you make them yourself out of an ‘elite cut’ gifted to you? Did someone on here have one gifted to them? Just curious on the origins


If others can take cuttings I assume I can as well ??? I’m guessing you mean not in 2 weeks but I have a lot of time on my hands to wait for rooting


Guys I have both the Mac and Ghost and I don’t mind sharing them but there is kind of a waiting list lol but for Christs sake if you have the ability to root cuts don’t pay 150 for one unless you need it today

There will hopefully be an abundance of both soon enough I have 5 or 6 rooting of each

As mentioned earlier the Mac is extremely slow in veg that’s part of the reason it’s not all ready flooding this forum from rooted clone to being big enough to cut on takes well over a month

Strawberry cough is also on the burner folks I just had problems getting them to root but I’m gonna be getting more as soon as I drive my lazy ass over there

I see you writing @anon5325009 don’t call the man on my domestic abuse of a ghost clone lol


Or you can be smart about it and buy the clone for $150.
You will be able to make that money back by selling a clone or two to someone else :crazy_face:

@TheShowMeHomie :police_car::police_car::police_car::police_car::oncoming_police_car:


The worst part about it all is that it’s not supposed to be sold or at least that was my understanding when I was given the Mac


I hope I’m on Santa’s good list for a cut of that Mugged OG.


Thanks a bunch man. @TheShowMeHomie I’m in no rush at all.
I have heard all the hype about MAC and wanted to grow some to see what all the hoop-lah was about. That’s why I made the not 150$ interested comment. I will live just fine whether I grow some out or not. I’d like to, but not a life or death situation here and $150 is steep in my opinion. Others have varying opinions and that’s alright! Just like every strain out there, we have our own unique traits.
I’m more of a gifter myself, less of a businessman but million dollar idea there @anon5325009 :money_mouth_face::call_me_hand:

I did learn some new things about MAC1 due to this thread though so thanks for your input everyone.