Made In Canada By Smoke

Ok now you are in the game @ELG lock in

No don’t it’s good for you my friend

Heart Robinson BlackRose… :sunglasses:


:smiley: ok, 369!! :grin: please, please be right :pray::pray:

You are the boss!!!


Ok Smokey…

My guess is 1 (everyone is going over I can feel it) and 420 :sunglasses:

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Hold on @Smoke, I need to go get a box of tissue incase I lose :sneezing_face: :sob:

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OUPSS I just saw on the first post of the game 1day
IT’S finish no more numbers
Thanks everyone and it not the last game I will play
now next pic it’s the back of the pack…don’t go to sleep


@Oldtimerunderground just in time lock in

yes the boss of my thread and at home :sunglasses:

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Overgrow the World with free seeds

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@TopicalWave Perfect just in time lock in

but I saw 420 today Bro and is out at home smoking one :yum:
Oki 1 is your number

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Hi @Astrodude Thanks nice to meet you :cowboy_hat_face:
just a bit to late to give a number but I see some numbers
very close to the total of seeds and not going over
and nobody toke those numbers
so give my a number you think it close of the total
by for I post the pic of the back of the pack and your in the game

Just finish checking the pack and I’m right on the number
it’s 100seeds out of the pack

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Overgrow the World with free seeds

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Ok Perfect I see you and Hi to Mrs Astrogirl :cowboy_hat_face:
you are lock in

EvilQueen… :sunglasses:


Now I will Smoke one slowly
and show the back of the pack
and my friend with the number closes of the total
so the winner have to make a speech of 5000 words
to introduce him self and come get the seeds here
I don’t have a car and the mail box is in a post office
with dog sniffing all the envelopes
Just kidding
but I hope the winner will respect the 15+years of work
on my collection and ME
and not do any thing stupide with the seeds Thanks
now smoking one and waiting for the winner to come in

Total 384… :sunglasses: yes all have to look the numbers :laughing:


Congratulations @ShiskaberrySavior!!! (Pretty sure, lol)

Now all you need to do is write a 5000 word speech, and drive across the country for the seeds :rofl: good thing @Smoke was joking about that. I would still do it for those beans :joy:


Wow. That’s an awesome pic!


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377 my friend lmao. final answer!

just saw the answer was revealed already lmao. damn good guess by me though! congratz to the winner now write that essay


Who won ? Essay


Not sure I think it you I did not look @ShiskaberrySavior
are close of 384 I saw 380 from someone :laughing:

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@Judsbuds was 380 lol

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