Made In Canada By Smoke

@Nagel420 My Friend you are welcome
see you in 24 hours

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Overgrow the World with free seeds


This is gonna sound like ass kissing but these are easy pics to like mate!


Thank youā€¦merci

I Lolā€™d at this :joy::rofl::grinning:

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Does it count if I couldnā€™t bring myself to like them because I was too jealous? :stuck_out_tongue:


@Astrodude I know all are fake stashbox No2


@Cormoran Donā€™t by jealous just get in and click :wink: very easy
and maybe you can win some seeds of my stashbox no2 or no1
and I have box no3 all the seeds I made sins 2020 over 60 new mixā€™s

Box No1ā€¦ :wink:


:wink: is this what you mean???

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Donā€™t get itā€¦what do you mean

lol, some of us run out of lovesā€¦

Iā€™m currently out LOL

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Lol, not exactly sure what I meant? Thought maybe this :wink: was how I enter something. Wake and bake really got me today :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ok @Nagel420 you will get back in love soon
I think you have to wait a day to have more love to give
but I love you so you donā€™t need to wait :hugs: you are in 4sure

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awwā€¦ :smiley:

It usually says I got more loves in XX minsā€¦ Then I use like 2 or 3 and it happens again. lol. I am always ā€œalmost used upā€ and hit the limit at timesā€¦


It mean you are a great member giving love everywhere :+1:
@Nagel420 you know Karma will get back to you one day


It already does brother! Firm follower of the ā€œthree-fold ruleā€.

Do good for others, you get 3x the good in return

Do bad to others, you get 3x the bad in return

Paying it forward has its rewards. And generousity begets more generousityā€¦

I have found many others here who share my thoughts :slight_smile:


Ok @Loggershands you not sureā€¦but you are here
did you click on ONE picture in my thread
or I have to look if you did :nerd_face:

I did show some love to the thread, you had some stacked looking colas that I had to show some love too :fire::heart_eyes::raised_hands:

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Ok @Nagel420
I did 50 good one
but I did one bad lately(did not like a attitude of a new member)
Iā€™m really sorry for itā€¦but itā€™s Smoke
I hope not to get 50 bad back to me
and I pay all my bills in time
and I can by very generous some times Bro


Thatā€™s not necessarily bad, its all in the context!

Doing Bad is more deliberately causing harm / taking advantage ofā€¦

Not everybody has to get along, and some need to be taught manners too! lol