Made In Canada By Smoke

Thank you sir

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ok 205 lock in @FattyRoots

30mi and it finish for the second number of
@phase sure 100% not the winner tonight
those players will never play for me just smoking and f…g all day
boys it not time to sleep in a game of PRO’S


If he want’s to get in he can have my number. I just jumped in for the fun of it. He will have to stick with 330 though.

OK forget about that. I was a little slow getting the video.

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Not a chance I’m taking someone else’s turn but I appreciate it, I’m fine with one, was just clarifying to be sure. But thank you @bunny that’s very nice of you


Tbh I’m pretty confident with #244 not sure why, I just have a good feeling

at 330 your are out of the party and smoking one at home

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:lying_face: yes it seem very close but maybe over
you will see on the back of the bag in 15mi
did you count all the seeds your are seeing on the pic

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Overgrow the World

I kind of knew it but I thought what the heck, roll big.


First player out with 330 go home and smoke one baybay

you will not believe your eyes in 5mi :lying_face:
your are the next one with the big number :lying_face: out or not in 5 mi
give chance to THE late and stone players

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will by ban for next game or all will :cry:

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:lying_face:do you think you are out or in second highest not sure humm :lying_face:

Last call… :sunglasses:


Naw, one shot, no do-overs for me
:laughing: :+1:



Get your numbers in folks!


give you number now not in 30sec
the game it finish sins 10mi

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I choose 176 and 201.

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Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?