Living Soil Cannabis Chronicles

Hey everyone.
I’m starting the next round I’m my 5x5 tent with my 40gallon living soil pots. I wanted to start this sooner but that’s life. The pots were all harvested a couple of weeks ago and left to their own for a bit. I heavily watered them for a couple days and while the seeds were germinating.
For this round I have 4 strains since I have 4 pots.
Top left going clockwise with the crazy nasturtiums is Grapesoda Skunk x Limexlimepop from BMB (Meangenes gear), Staeflie farms Cot Cake x Citron2.0 from Mountain Organics (a cross I made), an Acapulco Gold backgross I did of several different males and females with genetics deriving from again Mountain Organics (lots of woodsorrel and mint), and lastly in the bottom left pot is what I’m calling Russian Rocket Fuel (purple pheno) which is a backcross again of Platinum Kush Breath x Blue Russian Power.
They will be growing their whole lives in these 40 gallon no till living soil pots, under a Bontanny650 LED.
Staying under 12/12 for first 2 weeks then hitting the veg cycle in an attempt to have a sooner understanding of who is staying and who is going. Stellar studs will be kept in clone form for fun later down the line.


Looks awesome, what kind of cover crop/flowers you got in there? Did you run the light for them the whole time as well?

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I’m in for the show, love me some living soil.

:seat: :popcorn: :movie_camera:


Each pot has a slightly different array of cover crops and companion plants. There are nasturtium, clover, wood Sorrell, strawberries, cilantro, basil, parsley, Vietnamese cilantro and I’m sure I’m forgetting more haha. This is their 3rd year (3rd and 4th cycles) and they’re just getting into their stride.

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Wow, that’s amazing, just cutting the cannabis plants at the base of the main stalk, and leaving it till it gets composted up, eh?

What are you reamending with? Do you test the soil ever or play it by ear?

You betcha, mulch it all! Even the larfy flowers sometimes get dropped as well.
I’ve fed them a couple teas throughout flower a few times for a boost and other than that it’s just worm castings and everything that comes with that from my worm bin. That has led to some fungus gnat issues but those yellow sticky traps are amazing haha.
Last year I had quite the aphid issue in the tent too so all the pots went outside for the entire Canadian winter. They became extremely saturated and it gave everything a good chance to break down as well it seems. This is the 2nd cycle since bringing them in and not a pest problem since.
The last 2 cycles have also been for seeds so this run will be for the stash!

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Only 1 of the beds that was sown with seeds ended up really doing well. Which go figure was the 2 year old cross of Cot Cake x Citron2.0(C3P0, for fun sakes). All the others really didn’t amount to much yet, all the AG ended up being eaten by isopods or something so I started another round of seeds for that pot.
Starting clockwise again, the GSSXlimexlimepop are all basically dwarves as you’ll see in the pics, the CCC2 are looking stellar. 1 Russian Rocket Fuel survived my culling and is doing mediocre alongside 2 more little AG bc2 seedlings and the last pot with the 2 big pepper plants was seeded with quite a few AG studs X Lotus (afghani leaning) female. Both from MOB so basically a homemade Maya cross that they’ve already accomplished.
Some cool companion/cover crops have popped up like a stinging nettle and ive learned that nasturtiums root like crazy even when mulched. Very excited for these c3p0 to continue on, their side branching is very impressive as are the large leaves for the frame of the plant. Somewhat jurassic, and when youre familiar with the lineage you just know there’s going to be something absolutely spectacular from that cross. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks for checking it out!

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