Making brownies with old kief?

Hello there,

Any pro edible makers out there?

I have a couple of questions… i found a container of trimmings that i had decarboxylated about a year ago, which i then froze and sifted through a screen to collect the resin.

  1. How much would the potency have decreased over that time? (If at all)

  2. Since this is already decarboxylated, will it deteriorate when it’s being cooked in the brownie mix? The recommended cooking time is 30 minutes.



Barely at all. Inconsequential.

It’ll work just fine. It really doesn’t degrade much if stored dry at room temp. Cook with it and don’t worry.


I decarb and freeze. I than extract in oil. I don’t see any difference in the stuff fresh or frozen a year.

:green_heart: :seedling:


This was not frozen for a year, just decarbed and stored dry.

I forgot about it, so when i found it then i froze it, just so i could sift the resin off easier.

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I’ve once found a bowl of old trim, when i moved out of a house. Had been slightly covered on top of a fridge for a few years.
So i thought it’s probably not very potent anymore and i put the whole bowl in the butter for the brownies.
End of the story… One of my roommates ain’t left the house for two days and i was
very afraid of dark corners for a few hours.

I think it’ll work :wink:


I shall be finding out in about 2 hours :innocent:

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Enjoy :grin:

I don’t decarb but I have very old kief that may have decarbed itself. Not so good for smoking but I can’t say about baking.

It works ‘ok’ but nothing special.

I had no real clue of the dose, could have had twice as much without freaking out i think.

Better than the opposite - taking too much right off the bat. Glad its working…

Agreed… but i wanted to get freaked out a little bit lol

(sometimes i ask a lot, yes)


There’s an easy answer for that at least - take more :sunglasses:

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Already on board, awaiting take off.
:yin_yang: :yin_yang: :dark_sunglasses: :alien:

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Well, these brownies aren’t very strong, after a week or so of sampling.
Onto the next batch. :innocent: