Making Edibles with Hash Question

I’ve made “hash coladas” before with bubble hash that were VERY potent.

Take coco Lopez cream of coconut, put in a double boiler and put little bits of hash in there. Mix it until the pieces of hash dissolve into the cream of coconut. Smaller pieces make this easier / faster.

Now you have infused cream of coconut - im sure the fat helps and I didn’t decarb separately but maybe the double boiler was the ticket.

Proceed to make homemade piña coladas in the blender - with or without rum - drink and enjoy. Here is the recipe I used

Note - I woke up high the next day and was ripped for most of the day so be warned. We used bubble hash and about .25 of a gram per person. Your results may vary but it was a fun and different edible experience with bubble hash!


No press. Illegal in my state even though it is legal to grow. Trying to stay legal with it as much as possible. :slight_smile:


30 years of smoking and I am thinking on your level I just need to find a recipe that I can actually feel :slight_smile:


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My friends! this has turned into a really good discussion. Thank you everyone!


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how’d they turn out?