Bubble Hash vs Rosin for Edibles (for Quantity)

Based on an efficiency/quantity perspective (not getting into quality), which would be best to produce edibles? Rosin (from a rosin press, og nugsmasher) or Bubble Hash?

FYI i have never made rosin other than with a hair straightener, but I have access now to a nugsmasher and Im trying to figure out if it makes more sense to make my edibles from rosin than bubble hash.

(im not discussing rosin for dabs or anything else, just for edibles right now).

Appreciate all the input¡


I make 2 grades of bubble hash. 45u which is smoke grade and 25u which is edible grade.

Finding the right dose is tricky.

I wouldn’t go to the trouble of making rosin to turn it into edibles but I think some people do for gummies. Just not for me.


Rosin is more pure and therefore a bit more reliable to gauge dose. Removing the impurities makes the finished product taste better as well, and less “green bitter weedy”. Less of a noticeable difference between extracts and bubble hash than bubble hash vs weed/trim, though.

But either way works just fine. A brownie made with a shit load of sauteed trim still does the job same as anything.


this is what im looking to do actually

quantity wise, for example, if I grab a pound of trim, and make it hash bubble or rosin, should I be looking at the same amount of edibles? or should I expect less from rosin on average?

All thing being equal I would just make butter from buds. A bubble run is a lot of work.

What is your motivation? Consistency of dosage?

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yup and the fact that I like bubble hash haha but i also like rosin. but im not going to be making both, or invest in a rosin press if its going to give me less than the bubble has i already do… its tough, i see return on the press is like 10 or 20 percent… but i also understand its more pure.

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I got my dosage right by trial and error. Usually error on the high side.

I have a large quantity of one particular strain and I use 7 grams per cup of butter to make 30 cookies. 1 cookie is perfect. 2 is a lot.

I expect there would be trial and error in any method. If I were in your place and insisted on using either bubble or rosin I would use my low grade bubble.

All the best.


This is sort of on topic. I have a book in my journal that might be interesting to folks here. There are actually a number of books above the provided link in my thread but this one has to do with Extracts including Hash, Vaping, Dabbing, edibles and Medicines.


When I make hash, I usually have a food grade pile and a rosin grade pile. I usually wash my rosin pucks in alcohol for food grade oil and toss the food grade hash in there as well.


No extraction is 100% efficient, you’ll lose a little in the extraction process of bubble hash to rosin, but I don’t think enough to really matter. Mostly you just lose impurities.

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I have that book in paperback. Thanks for the share, Doug. Plenty of useful info in that book. I hear there is a 2nd edition that was printed in 2019, with some updated info.


Strains play a BIG part in yield on a press though, more so than bubble, or dry ice hash. Some will yield 20%, some may yield 5% (and be better left as flower to smoke). I bought a small press a few months ago, and I’ve made rosin from a few strains, they really do vary (as will how long its been drying). Still perfecting my science over here :wink:


I tend to get more consistent yields from bubble. In my experience pressing flower doesn’t turn out exactly the same eveeytime because the moisture content isn’t EXACTLY the same like it is with bubble.
My pea brain says if the buds too try it will take in too much oil and not extrude.

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I know it wasn’t one of the options, but thought I would throw out the idea of tincture. This is basically how I make most my edibles.


Two nights ago my buddy brought over a bunch of dry ice hash.

Most was decarbed and infused into a strong batch of coconut oil with my Magical Butter Machine for edibles. I’ve got some set aside to press (I’ve got a 4 ton Dabpress) into rosin for dabs. I’m interested to see how that rosin compares to what I get from pressing flower.

The MBM comes with a 190 micron filter which caught a small amount of sludge at the end of the process. When my buddy made the hash he didn’t use a series of screens so it’s all the same size/quality. It all came from trim which has inspired me to pick up some dry ice and give it shot. I’ve got a ton of trim sitting around and a set of bags I purchased last year but have yet to use. Maybe this weekend…


actually… my next immediate project for gummies is making your green dragon out of hash.