My favourite way of processing trim from harvest (besides cooking edibles) is bubbleman’s bubble hash extracted through his bubble bags (or any equivalent). For those not familiar with bubble (or ice-o-lator) bags as they are called these are produced from very fine mesh.
There are two ways basically to extract it, easier dry sifting and ice extraction for which you need ice cubes, cold water and bucket.
Dry sifted hash
For dry sifting you can create homemade box from parts that can be bought in ikea or homedepot. There are screens sold with which you need to divide box into two parts. Then fill up upper part with trim and put it into freezer to deeply freeze. After freezing you put it out and just tumble it with hands. By freezing THC glands will become britle and stop being sticky so they just drop through the screen to bottom part. Then just collect dust from bottom part using some card.
Water extracted hash
Water extracted method is my favourite. I like the taste and this method can yield great results. You need to buy bubble bags (or ice bags). There are sets of 2 to 7 bags. I like to use 4 piece set. One screen is to filter out material and other three will get you the skuff you want.
Basically you put all the bags into the bucket starting with finest one. Last one is the coarse one which you then fill with mix of (preferably dried) trim material and ice cubes. Then top up the bucket with cold water.
You can never have too much ice. So put every you have. The deeper you will freeze THC glands the better they can be separated.
Then mix it for about 10-15 minutes with hand mixer.
During the mixing, you can add additional ice cubes depending on how fast it will melt down. You want to have cubes in the mix as they crash raw material and force glands to divide and fall through the mesh.
After you are done, you remove coarse mesh with raw trim material.
Then you need to filter all water out through fine meshes. You can use smaller bucket for it as we did.
Then you just put bag up and push water through it.
On the bottom you will find crystals you are after…
You can scrape it with spoon, be careful not to cut through the screen with anything sharp.
In our case we’ve got three different qualities: green, yellow and red (red being the finest).
We haven’t got any cardboard left, so we just put it on the paper above the lamps to let dry…
Great thing about bubble hash is that it is practically smokable even wet :)…
As bubbleman says: If it don’t bubble it ain’t worth the trouble!
There is also cheapo method to make ice hash with coffee filters in growfaq.
Then there is nice picture gallery about using tumbler / washing machine to make hash
What are your tips for hash extraction? What method do you prefer?