Resinous Males and Breeding

For the first time I seem to have had a resinous male!

It’s a C99 male that I collected pollen from but has now left this earth.

Has anyone found any benefit to using a resinous male as the father?

It was cool to get an idea of the terpene profile of the father from the resin glands. (Kind of passion fruit tropical)


Resin on males usually translates to the progeny, but testing is the only way to be certain…


I would choose the most resinous male in case I have already made a selection and know what male passes terpenes etc or if you do not know the genetics and are choosing in the eye a keeper to cross all other madres.
For example at the moment I am running a f2 from a biker kush of karma genetics, I have 3 males and one of them resin much more than the other 2 and is much more branched but at the moment I look for the phenos that smell of gas so even looking better I have to save others to test in practice.

I hope you can understand.


Is that a hermaphrodite?

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Nope! All male parts on this one :slight_smile:


That’s a beauty! Did you try smoking it?


That is too cool. I have just found a similar C99 male as well. It was the first I have found as well and I used him to pollute as many different females as possible.

Definitely not a hermaphrodite :slight_smile:


Did not smoke it… I guess I could dry some
And try!


Wow! Looks real resinous - more than mine.

Unfortunately mine has that floppy c99 stucture - not sure how yours was.


Cool, I’m really curious what it will be like.

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I know bodhi said in a podcast that he prefers a resinous Male over a reversed female.


Good topic.
Big diff in a resinous male as you have and a male gone hermie like so many people have and think theyve got a ‘one in a million resinous male’
Heres one from FB the other day. Guy went whining to Colin from Ethos who made an absolutely ridic comment about it not being a herm is has both pistsils and stamen.
Like ffs the definition of hermie is having both sex organs.
Even if its not a pistil in this pic, a hermie is a hermie and I lost the little respect for Colin that I maybe had. Just cuz u got away w breeding herms doesnt mean its not a facking herm. Like fml


Will pull it out of the yard waste bag haha - dry some out and report back.


Nice looking plant - but defo some pistils showing!

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It was a micro grow for a seed run, so it’s hard to tell whether it would have been floppy for sure. However, I had to snake it around and use all kinds of stress training to keep in from springing out of the space. I’m going to say he would have been pretty lanky and exactly as you describe. The female C99 he pollinated has a much more balanced stature and the cut of her I have outdoors right now seems pretty sturdy and grows quite large. He won’t be going anywhere until I see his progeny. An extremely stealthy plant that surprises you with its strong, clear, clean, and somewhat balanced high. An absolute gem.


Lol nice, that’s an unconventional curing technique


Sounds like a good match!

This was my last C99 seed - if you ever want to part with some of your C99 I’d be interested.


I just fertilized 6 females with 3 of the stickiest and aromatic males i’ve ever seen.
Sharp sticky, like glue.
Glad to know it ain’t just me.


Is it not true you can still get a male within a feminized genetics?
I thought I had heard somewhere that there is still a very slight chance of getting a male in femmed beans.
Very resinous male for sure!

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These seeds were from Mike J at PeakSeedsBC and I just crossed the first perky male and female I got out of just 4 that I grew out. That is definitely NOT breeding ha ha. Plus, they would be an F8,9,? chuck of his work. I really think for the $40, they are worth getting straight from him - you get 15 in a pack of his C99, or at least I did at the time. He is one of very few that I feel I’m getting what is described. Just remember that you need to email him about availability of the C99 before ordering, as they are not actually listed on his site. I don’t mind trading, especially if you’re in Canada, but in this case I think the seeds should come from him. With all the greasy rip-offs out there, I think he should be supported.