Growing out my first male, or so I thought?

Short version: Isolated a plant I was sure was male but the two tops are looking like a lady but everything below is full male with the exception of 2 that are half and half.

Details: Blueberry Muffin crossed with Blue Afghan showed balls immediately when I flipped to flower but it smelled so good I decided to set up a small isolation tent with a very weak led light and try to collect the pollen. Usually I just kill the males so I have no experience with growing them or breeding. All of the photos below are from this one plant. I have a few balls pop on female plants before so I guess this is just a more male leaning plant that is intersex?

This is purely an experiment and learning lesson for me so I hoping someone could give some incite. Would the pollen produced be bad to save because it would be prone to produce children that are intersex? Should I just toss it now? One of the flowers opened today so if I am gona trash it I should do it before it starts dumping.

Full Plant shot

Male flower

Female Flower

Both on same site


Yeah man, toss it. Intersex pollen will not get you to your goals. I just killed one yesterday.

Best of luck.


If it were me, I would trash it. It could be a female with intersex, or a male with intersex. Either way it would be a lot of extra work to test and eliminate any intersex in the progeny.


Thanks buddies, I figured this might be the case. I am really bad at killing plants, makes me sad. But today I will put to rest this BBMxBA and it’s two baby clones. I appreciate you both taking the time to educate and confirm.


You’re welcome. Be ruthless. :+1:


I know this feeling all too well… but it sucks to waste time and effort when everything we do is quite the long process. onto the next! Good luck!


Kill zem kill zem all!

I start more than I need to accommodate those that will hit the trash pile.

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Have to agree with the others. While I get not wanting to kill a plant it’s better then the alternative IMO.


I only know one person that grows hermi weed, everyone else trashes them, me included.


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Yeeeah…that’s a true genetic hermie…so the majority of it’s offspring will be too…
nah, chop it.


I did the deed… it has been eliminated as well as it’s clones. Thanks for the advice everyone. On the upside, I now have a lil 2x2 setup for the next male.


Good job. That was a funny one.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Found a male in my flowering Blueberry Muffin since I killed this other one. So pollen collection is back in the plans!

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