Males observations

im curious about the dude we usually dont want and ive decided to dedicate a spot about observations on dudez , i , you, we grow and expand our perspective about

my green ass is just one dude experienced and dude is still in bloom
ive never had a male id let go all the way so its my first time witessing how it behaves compared to females

from my observation being i had 3seeds the male showed its sex quiker then girls and is twice their height
after 10days of trowing pollen its as diminished the amount of pollen it throws

cultivar is punchline

this dude i took out the tent so it wouldnt cross polinate over the punchline he’s a mandala#1
been outside in 7-11 degrees celcius temps going close to zero some mornings but he seamed to not open up 15h of sunlight might have him reveged but the cold might have him shocked im gonna wait tull i harvest punchline and ill flower an other clone of him as i didnt cull the father i kept him in veg, ill be trying him later

purple bruh


Twice as tall is pretty standard.

I usually keep a few males at the beginning of each run and choose right before they are about to pop. I select mostly based on structure and vigour. It gives me options. It’s even saved my ass once because I had two and one Hermed at flower onset. Still had one left.

They get killed after the deed is done so I know very little about their senescence.


Awesome thread idea :+1:
I’d love to learn more about male cannabis plants since I haven’t grown out males myself. This could be a great place to gather info for folks like me who want to try pollen chucking one day but don’t know what to look for when selecting plants


me too i figured if we pool our onservations tegether we might figure stuff out


Dammit when you quoted me I saw my typo “make cannabis” instead of “male cannabis.” Thought I already corrected that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Damn autoincorrect!


my stone ass had read male but while i quoted you i notice makes


Funny how the brain only sees what it wants to sex, huh?


In flower maybe but in years of growing I haven’t found males to grow any faster than the females. In fact, almost all of my tallest plants in veg end up being females. Idk why that is but its happened across countless packs of beans and different strains :man_shrugging:


I cull the males the same way I’d cull the females. Preferably I already know what I’m looking for in the line. We don’t just use any female, we grow out and find the best girl to keep. So why use any male? I try and match my males to my best females. If the male(s) doesn’t resemble anything like my favorite girl from the same seeds, he’s probably going in the trash.

Males can pass their structure to the female offspring, especially if it’s weird.

I found most will flower until week 5-6, but some will go longer. A lot will die right after that. Some can be revegged though.


Interesting. In my experience the males tend to stretch way faster than females but in terms of end height I couldn’t say because they never live that long.


This is a good topic thread for sure.

A few years ago I popped a pack of Widow Bomb from Bomb Seeds to run outdoors, and it was the only time i’ve seen where the males were all shorter, slower growth rate, and less pre-flower stretch than the females.

I was very surprised when they showed sex. I was certain that all the taller, faster growing, stretchier plants were going to be males and the shorter, slower plants females, but the outcome was entirely opposite.


This has been me with basically every pack I’ve ever ran.

I wouldn’t say the males were shorter or slower than everything, but the tallest most vigorous plants for me have almost always been females.


Other than the pack I mentioned above, the males in my garden generally seem more vigorous with thicker, stronger stems, and more preflower stretch.

I’ve had too many times where I’m eyeing the biggest, beautiful, vigorous plant with best structure, and then it throws male parts.


I agree with this as well. I can usually bet on which plants are males in veg based on which are growing taller. Every now and then a tall outlier in a bunch will end up being female but the trend i notice is the taller siblings are most often the boys.


Makes sense genetics wise that the males want to get their flowers as high as possible as quick as possible to disperse pollen most efficiently!
Nice thread @amumayuk!
My next grow starting in about 4 weeks will be my first reg grow and I want to keep a male and flower it out in a separate tent from my girls to collect some pollen and just see how it grows, I’ll probably try to hit a branch of one of the girls I’ll be growing to make some f2 seeds to hunt!

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i sgree in general but ive had an encouter with a run of 10/12 males and it was confuding to try and sex them by such guess i alwsys flower cuts to be certain for outdoors
i used to cull males right away but am now planing on keeping some around to expand my view snd knowledge of the plant

Im definitely not throwing away the taller plants assuming them to be males. I always wait for them to show sex before tossing. Which almost always happens before they hit flower.


i just came from having a walk in the porch and it appears that pistilss have emerged out of a few nodes but not alot to make a budcluster

Yup most taller ones are males but not all tall plants are males.


Great info here @amumayuk! Hope everyone is having a good morning so far!

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Crazy how we all have different experiences… I have generally found males to be taller.
I number my seedlings, smallest is number 1, counting up to the tallest with the highest number. When it comes to sexing them i find the smallest half of them turn out to be females with about 80% accuracy.