Picking that stud male

I’ve got a question for you guys gals and all in between.I just found out one of my stinkiest plants who was masquerading as a lady is in all reality a male.The temps around me got cooler and I noticed he was throwing tricomes.Would this be a good candidate for breeding?Not too tall bushy as hell more compact

so much I swore it was going to be female.I’ve never had a male male tricomes.The smell profile changed on this one from human shit to a citrusy dark lime earthy funk.I’ll get some pics when it’s dark out you can see all the tricomes better.I have some cuts I took of him so I’m going to make him compost tonight.


post some pictures of the flowers, males can herm too. could be a male/female herm.

you didn’t see any pistils before you saw balls? if so could be female/male.

when I have had resinous males, they started off looking like normal males, and eventually got trichomes as they became very very mature and practically over ripe.

I have had one plant that grew trichomes on the leaves from day one of veg, and others that put out resinous fan leaves in flower. so it could possibly be that trait in a “straight” male plant, although that would be rare.


Kind of small balls but all my other males looked like this one too I think I might call it on this one no white hairs on it yet ever I’ve been watching this one like a hawk.


looks like a full on male to me, I think you’re good to go. post some more pictures as it matures so we can see how it develops.


I’m going to run him for sure in a bit this ones got to go I caught midnight cowboy here before he defiles my outdoor lady.When I run the cut I’ll do a start to finish on him.Definitely changed a lot since I had him from seed he’s been through some shit

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I have a goji polyhybrid growing right now which put out a classic resinous goji male. I’ll try to get a picture this afternoon for an example of the kind of resinous male that gets trichomes late in flowering.

I kept a clone of this guy too, not something you see every day.

it’s ken estes berry larry- bodhi’s goji og x [larry og x grandaddy purple]


This guy started them right before he went into flower I noticed it 4 days ago and his smell changed out of nowhere I’m curious as to almost want to epethon a cutting of him just to see what he has that’s hiding in there.I’m definitely going to dig around with him.

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Well this isn’t really specifically about picking a male but I thought it was pretty interesting regardless.


I think I caught some of this on the future cannabis project.It has a lot of cool shit in there.real good info


I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about anything with Goji in it


I watched this the other day! Very very good info! Gotta love this free education.


Thank you also. I was looking for something like this.

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The ones who have suffered the most are the wisest.


Amen My friend :pray:t2:

Here’s a sweet male

It pollinated 3 strains and did a fine job.


Definitely a good pollinator look at all those flowers

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Here’s a closeup


here are those photos of the resinous goji hybrid male

Ken Estes’ Berry Larry

nice dense chunky structure too

here’s my post with a description and a few more photos


Did you ever try to smoke any of him to see what he does?

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Dj short said the key to picking males was smoking the pollen.

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