Man, whatta day!

Up at my usual time around 4-4:30, out to the ‘farm-in-a-barn’ around 6AM to start tending things. Getting the dried/hanging plants de-budded into curing jars etc.
Ok, so far, so good… THEN it starts getting interesting lol. My 4&1/2yr old female rottweiler started spitting out her pups! we knew the were due and had already build the whelping box ahead of time. I’ve been playing midwife all day, helping deliver a few of them as well as a friend stopped by to pick up some clones (Sour D) First litter she had 11, 3 boys and 8 girls, this is her second and last litter. So far there are 5 boys and 2 girls but she ain’t done by a long shot lol My son’s rottie boy and her got hooked up 7-8 times so we figure she’ll have somewhere around the same if not more. lol


Sounds like you have 2 names already. Sour and diesel!


Congrats! I went through that 6 years back with my pit. I’ll never do it again! Pups are easily worth the 400$ to save that headache. Now I have two boys that I yell at daily. Be like your mother!!! She’s still going too after 14 yrs.


We also have a pit, love both pits and rotties. All my life have had dogs, so this isn’t my first rodeo lol helped deliver many pups over the years. so far there’s 8, 6 boys and 2 girls. We mix up a DIY to help make sure they all get plenty. Standard old school recipe, 1/2 cup canned milk, 1 cup hot water, 1 tsp karo syrup, and 1 egg yolk. use a med dropper ;)-


Bailey had 6 2 girls 4 boys. Lost two, one was was my over site. Painting in the bathroom fell :sweat:. Other just passed completely unexpectedly. Was odd bc the one I was worried about made it. Like I said never again ugh.

It can happen, no fun there for sure. Helluva thing to have happen though. Up to 9 now 7 & 2. Bit heavy on the males, but they sell easier. I try to put any pups in good homes, more important than the money I’d get. we bred her to have another female rottie as she is almost 5, no mo after this, she’s getting fixed lol
back to being a midwife lol the wife and me switch up sitting by her to help and make sure all the puppies are good to go.‘mothering them’ is a good phrase lol

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my blue pit boy, Casper 115lbs of love, but only if he knows ya lol

thats our rottie gal too


It’s so odd to me that males are more popular. I feel like my female pittie is much more protective, less dog aggressive and generally a superior dog to her male counterparts. Any insight?


Very true Meesh, Casper chose me is only reason I got a boy. But, he’s gentle for the most part. His mom was one of the best damn dogs we’ve owned. But shes gone at 14, first part of last year

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Sorry to hear that :cry: My girl is 11 now and has mast cell cancer type 2. A slow growing type so she’s still trucking along. So far she has had some lumps and bumps removed and has a few new ones now. So far not in her internal organs, luckily. Eventually it’s gonna take her out, but she’s nearing average life span so I’m not gonna do much about it at this point. You know dogs though and they are tough. She’d never let you know that she was sick and keeps on trucking!

She is the smartest and sweetest dog I’ve ever had! :grin:

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Im loking at your dogs here Skiball… that fucker to the right looks just like my Wroughtiron…

he’s saying hi by the way. he’s a good dog be 8 this year… more the color of dark coffee instead of black… right around 95 lbs


Meesh and Skiball, all beautiful dogs! Casper is outta the Gotti line and Romeo line


Ok, total is the same as last time, 9 puppies, 7 boys and 2 girls. Doubt there’ll be any more, and all alive and healthy. That blanket is the one she had in her bed where she had the first one. lol needless to say it’s getting tossed today. We got poly under the box and will just stick another old blanket in for the duration.