A short story for your entertainment (A NoNoBadDog story)

After a long day of prepping the outdoor garden (pulling plants indoors, plastic back up on the greenhouse, etc) for upcoming freezing weather, and us heading out for thanksgiving with the fam(plus a nice hunting trip after) … My back, hip, and shoulder were singing, and Blueberry Bella was calling my name “Alex, Come light my fire with that mason jar bong”

I ask you, what red blooded man could say no to an offer like that??

Not I… not I…

after a nice little grinding session, Bella (that foxy vixen that she is) wisely coaxed me into a nice comfortable zone, where I now quite happily currently reside. Feeling just about like the tunes floating from my speaker. currently… Big Pimpin by Jay-z.

Nothing’s quite like that first nice high of the day. I try to minimize smoking most of the day (edible if I need some pain relief) just so that I can really enjoy that end of day bong rip, all that pain floating away, with the tide bringing contentment and gratitude.

My goodness God, thank you for all your seeds, and in particular the one that just gave its fruits to me.

and then amidst all this glory, pain relief, and fear removal. (ahh, wait we have a new song playing, Don’t Bring Me Down by ELO)

I hear a slightly suspicious farting noise from directly behind me. I turn to see the mongrel mutt we saved from the shelter, who was ridden with parvo when we got him, take a NICE BIG FAAAAATTTTTT DUMP… I MEAN CHOOOONKY SIZED. (thankfully solid)

I promise you that dude is very lucky I was quite high…

sigh… (gets toilet paper) (flushes toilet)… glares at dog… :angry: :dog2:

Fork it… Still High

In other news,

Anyone want a dog, Cur mix, great hunting lines, does best outdoors… If your nice I will throw in 50lbs of food and his kennel.

about 6 months old, still puppy sized almost looking like a real dog again after the parvo

now playing, Jai Cuzco - Living Machines… next up on the playlist, My Favorite Martian - My Balls


As a side note, I am a pretty good dog trainer (due to a whole bunch of awesome folks teaching me) but can’t train a male dog for crap(well, perhaps I can train them for that).

Here is some evidence supporting my theory that the girls love me.

short vid of my dogs at the lake

Lady Vala Raven and her Ribbons


as a side note, before bed tonight, I will still give that little rascal a treat, same as the other one’s.


I think he maybe training you :grin:


Good to hear the doggo survived the parvo. :dog2: :dog:


I may have given the wife a “jokingly” hard time because she coddles and baby talks to him, when he is in trouble with me. Actually laid out that we are doing a pretty good job of training him to get the affection he wants from her (definetly a momma’s boy) by getting in trouble with me.

we agreed, gonna try a different approach in the future.


He looks like a great pup, just some potty issues at the moment.


he is still just a pup, no harm no foul, just a bit of venting on my part, that may have brought a smile to someone’s face.

Honestly, me not being good with male dogs is my fault.

I tend to spoil my girls to much.

Being male myself, I know them knuckleheaded “boy thoughts” to much, so am not lovin on em enough.


He looks like a big cutie lol


Bless you bro, I love hearing rescue stories (albeit this one a bit nasty :nauseated_face:) and so glad to see he is doing well and beat parvo. I already knew you were a solid guy but now it’s certain. Btw that story gave me a good laugh :joy:. Now when you come to fish I have a side gig for you…. (Training my dog ) as she’s got me wrapped around her little paw :wink:


I get it. I applaud you for rescuing him. Everyone of our pets have been rescues.