Mango's Fruit Bowl (grow journal/log)

Should’ve added these to yesterday’s pics, but… the pollen must’ve taken effect. We have a few seeds showing! Only hit a few lower budsites on them so I could make ‘some’ seeds and still have other parts not seeded.

One is GPK the other is the GC


Whahoooo! :wink:


Alright! Success always feels good. Glad you were able to get it to take.


Okay so the smell of these ladies is certainly noticable. Right after lights out and about 30mins befor the lights turn on is where it becomes most obvious.

The GC smells very fruity, I think I kinda smell a slight vanilla in there as well. As for the fruity smell, I cant put my finger on it yet, but very familiar smelling.
Out of the 3, she smells the most appealing its very hard to not keep wanting to take a sniff.

The GPK1 is fairly mild in smell, definitely a cat piss kinda scent, especially on the stem rub but nothing very strong or ammonia scented like the gpk2.

GPK2 smells like cat piss/ammonia. Even without rubbing the stem. The scent is very noticable and is all I smell. This lady is the stinky one out of the 3. My fiance does NOT like this one.


Hey OGs, my little guy Token needs all the votes he can get in the OG pets contest. I rescued him back in May, he was severely underfed/underweight, terrified of humans, and just all around in bad shape. He bit right through my finger the day I brought him home. But after a couple days he really warmed up. Fast forward to now, and hes my best friend. My other ferret Nugget is attached to my fiance so having Tokey be MY little shadow is awesome. I rarely leave my house without him, I have a sling/carry hammock for him that he loves to just hang out it while we’re out and about.


They’re chugging along


I bent the tops over a bit so the lower stuff can get more light. Man, I wish my tents would fit here so I could’ve just scrogged them, and use all 3 lights I have, but it/they just wont fit in this closet lol. I’m gonna have to find a 2x2 until my life/living situation is back to normal. Anyway… heres the ladies. I turned the LEDs off for 4 of the pictures.


Looking great! Looks like that gc is a little ahead of the others.

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Dayyuuuummmm. Lookin stunning in there!
Frosty and chonky, just like I like it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thank you! I had to set my carbon filter up, these ladies are a bit stinky. At first i was catching random whiffs throughout the day. But as of a little over a week ago it’s become constant and unavoidable lol

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I apologize for the fan in the backround


Damn, the one in the back right is a little fatty!


Looks amazing!

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Today marks 8weeks flower, trichomes are about 80%milky and 20%amber.
They’re getting close!


Whatcha got there…about a RedBull can?:wink:


Yeah, I’d say both GPKs top colas are about the same size as a redbull can. The GC is a little bit fatter around.

Just lovely

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Could only imagine what they’d be like in a normal sized pot lol

What are they in again?