Mango's Fruit Bowl (grow journal/log)

Thanks for the kind words and stopping by!

I’ll have another plant update either tonight or tomorrow. Been real busy the past few days, and when I’m not busy, the pup usually has me tired lol. So far though, shes been great. Shes really sweet, gentle, and likes to snuggle/cuddle. I should’ve named her Shadow because shes literally right next to me or behind me EVERYWHERE I go. She loves the kids, always looking for them and extremely curious with every little thing they do.


These are hungry, well, the feed is okay but the tiny pots dry out sooo fast, and having a puppy added to the family, I havent been feeding frequently enough. But alas, it’s no problem. Flower will be starting here shortly so they’ll get bigger shoes n fresh soil, take cuttings, Then they’ll or I should say I, will get back on a healthier track. Love you all.


Getting ready to flip to flower in the upcoming weeks. I dont have a set date, but I plan on doing a reversal to collect pollen and make seeds with a couple and take cuttings so there’s more to work with. Also these will be moved to a different “area.” (more on that to come shortly) Got a few things in the works and very excited to share the news (soon)
As always, I love you all.


Puppy Tax

I love this pup, she definitely filled a spot in my heart, something that’s been missing for far too long. We rescued each other :heart:


That is great news, double rescue, good luck with her, great looking pup

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Well here we are so far, big changes to the grow coming soon!


Hey OG, it saddens me to say this, my fiance lost her father this morning. We knew it was only a matter of time as he was sick battling cancer, but I dont think theres much one can do in preparing themselves for the loss of a loved one. I really hate seeing her, or anybody upset, but her and I also know that he no longer has to suffer or fight. He can finally rest easy.
Life is too short, be kind to everybody, enjoy the little things, and mend broken relationships if possible. At the very least, reach out to somebody you care about just to tell them you love them or appreciate them. It just might make their day.
As always, I love you all


Aww! Totally agree with all that. Sending you virtual hugs and lots of sympathy. Glad you’ve got each other and the puppy to cuddle.


Sleepy pup. And…for the plants… The 2 on the left are the Cap Junky (topped 1 of them for cuttings) the middle one is the OG Kush x Ol Dirty Glue and the 2 on the right are the Blueberry Diesel x Black Cherry. Will be transplanting to bigger pots very soon and flipped for flower.


Interesting competition of who is growing faster, the puppy or the plants :wink:


Healthy plants and a cute pup what else do you need


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Just read the news about your fiances father, my condolences @Illicitmango . It’s always tragic when a loved one falls from orbit, no matter the circumstances.
Positive note: you’ve got the cutest puppy ever!


Happy Easter OGs!
Love you all!


Happy easter! Pup is growing so fast!

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Happy Easter my friend

That’s one cute puppy

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Not really much to report, all projects are moving along as planned.


Looking great

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Happy Friday OGs, wishing everybody a great day. :pray:


Seeing pistils on the Ol Dirty Glue x OG Kush (back left) , and on the shorter Blueberry Diesel x Black Cherry (front right).
No signs on either Cap Junky (front left & back right(topped), or the other BBD x BC.
But really they all should be female with the exception of the BBD x BCs as they were the only regs. Will probably top them all, then put into flower. Also have 3 cuttings that have roots, and plan to root the tops when I cut them. Some small side projects in the works as well in a separate area.
Decisions decisions.