Mango's Fruit Bowl (grow journal/log)

Happy 420 everybody


happy 420 man!


Damn, life is stressful at times. Trying to keep my head afloat. But the plants are doing good.
All are female except one of the Blueberry Diesel x Black Cherry’s, he was sent to another area I have set up until I decide what to do with him.
All were topped, and flipped to flower about a week ago. Will be given slightly bigger pots this weekend, if I get around to it. The tops I cut, are currently being “rooted” so I’ll put them into the veg area when ready.


Life finds a way. Glad you’re hanging in there, bro. All the best. The girls (and boy) look to be doing great! Here’s to an easy enough run aside from what’s got ya elsewise.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


It’s awesome to see your dedication paying off.


Sweet thread…I really dig the fruity stuff and something about petting the sweaty stuffs but it’s friday so im giving myself a break :wink:

Supreme lineup, turning on and tuning out :v:


And we’re rolling along. Buds will be forming soon :slight_smile: and puppy tax. Have some other projects in the works as well. If all goes well, I’ll have a bunch of different crosses/beans to give away.
Have a great Sunday OGs


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Love the dog.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And the plants are nice too. :wink:

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Rotating them and changing positions, just bumped the feed up a wee bit as well. Rolling along nicely :slight_smile:
Maybe starting to see signs on CJ2 being reversed. Shes been getting the STS treatment.
And, the BBDxBC is starting to show some color, its easier to see in person. All are starting to smell lovely and different than each other.


A bit of bad news, the taller Cap Junky (not being reversed) is throwing some nanners. So I’ll decide tomorrow what to do with it. Most likely to be deemed unworthy n killed. Nothing else is showing herm tendencies, so thankfully it’s just that one plant.


Man what a bummer that she started throwing nanners. Pretty much all around a big waste of time n space, and space is something I’m in short supply of. Luckily, other projects are in the works, so not all is lost, but it does throw a little wrench in some things I had planned. Going to check the other CJs I have running at the other location to make sure they aren’t hermies too.


Just caught up on your thread. That puppy is awesome cute!

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Thanks for stopping by, and Nova says thank you too!


Current runs are closing in on the final few weeks, still haven’t had the opportunity to go to the other place and check on that run but from what I’m told, all is good there.

Which leads to the next project, well, one of many. But ive been wanting to re run these and make more beans. GrapeLime Ricky


I see you are currently just started germinating them, let’s hope they all hatch!

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I believe brother, i believe! Lol. They’ve been in my fridge and freezer for years (since i got em). When i ran them last, i split them into two vials, one for the fridge and one for the freezer in hopes of at least some keeping high germ rates. Also will be doing Agent Orange, Querkle, Astrosnaps and Cherrygasm at some point.


Tomorrow is my birthday, and all i asked for was that some of these beans are still viable. Wish granted.
Grapelime Ricky 4/4 tails.
Happy happy happy.


Happy Birthday!!! :green_heart:

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Thank you!

Out of likes already too. :green_heart::birthday:

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