Mars Hydro iHub support please

I have my ihub set to have 2 light cycles for my lights. I have 4 of them turn on for 12 hours, and one turns on for 6 hours. Several times I’ve opened the tent to find one of my lights on/off when it shouldn’t be. The timers are all programmed and enabled, so I just can’t understand why it’s not working correctly. Everything else seems to be working fine, like dimming, etc.

I’d really love to get this thing working properly! The power monitoring, etc are really appealing!! Timers are a very basic function. This needs to be deadly accurate here! I’d definitely blow a gasket if my plants herm because the app screws up. Sorry, but that’s fair!

Btw, there’s no daylight savings function either. All my timers are exactly an hour behind. So yeah.

@MarsHydro a little help here please? Thank you!


Hello there! We’re sorry that you’re having such problems! You can contact [] and attach videos/pictures. Our customer service will get back to you as soon as possible.