Mars Hydro Online Chat

Growers Watch out!!! :heart:
This Aug Mars hydro amazing contest & give@away is coming, are you ready to share your story marshydro and expect to win a prize valued $500-$1000?

Your exciting moment comes soon @ Marshydro 13th Anniversary Celebration & Event!
Stay tuned! ! :heart:

#marshydro #marshydro13th


That sounds sweet.

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I’m going to bow out of this contest. Mars Hydro has already blessed me with a new 2X4 tent and a new SP3000 light. Give someone else a chance to win your awesome products.


i began with the green blurple leds like 7-8 years ago, in my curretn grow i use the mars ts3000 (300 watt version) in a big mars tent (150x120), i have also a 100x100 tent from them which has a 315 cmh in it but its currently out of use. then i use a small cab to pollinate in which i used the mars ts1000 for 2 years. i had 2 of them and sold both to friends who began growing.

now i need a new lamp for my big tent… a growmie uses the fc4800 with some nice results. compared to two sanlight evos the fc is better in terms of yield.


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The man with the plan. Rock the house. I got a plan.

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Time goes by in a blink of an eye and Mars Hydro is Thirteen years old now! Mars Hydro was founded in 2009, it has seen tremendous success, growing from a single office to a mature company with its own manufacturing factory and independent export capability. We are so proud that worldwide growers are using Mars Hydro led grow lights and grow tent kits, and feedback of happy grow stories every day. We do thank you guys for the big love and permanent support!

That’s the 13th Anniversary in Mars Hydro history! we are holding this exciting Contest & Give@away (Aug.10-Sep.10) with the chance of winning an amazing prize valued @$500-$1000.

To enter:

  1. Share your story with mars hydro on social networks through videos/photos/texts.

  2. Add #marshydro13th & marshydro

  3. Fill your story links on the spreadsheets:

Winners & Prizes:

Best video: 1 person wins the prize valued $1000

Best photo: 1 person wins the prize valued $800

Best text: 1 person wins the prize valued $500

Winner picked from all social networks by mars hydro official.

Good luck all and happy to grow with mars hydro!


The grow tents have been industrialized and standardized in size, construction, and craftsmanship to meet the expanding demand for indoor grow equipment. What should a quality grow tent be? And what makes Mars Hydro grow tents stand out from their competitors? Let’s find out in this blog.

A Mars Hydro 2x4 grow tent will be given away, welcome to take part in it. Giveaway and Blog Entry:


The grow tents have been industrialized and standardized in size, construction, and craftsmanship to meet the expanding demand for indoor grow equipment. What should a quality grow tent be? And what makes Mars Hydro grow tents stand out from their competitors? Let’s find out in this blog.
A Mars Hydro 2x4 grow tent will be given away, welcome to take part in it. Giveaway and Blog Entry:


TS600 Flash Sale :heart: Click to check the details:
US:6pm PST. 15th Aug
CA:6pm PST. 15th Aug
EU:12PM GTM+2 . 15th Aug
UK:12PM GTM+2 . 15th Aug
AU:6pm AEST. 15th Aug


Those are some sweet deals. 340$ for a 4x4 flowering light. I have seen used ones for that price. The 600 are nice starter lights. Those are some great deals. 89$ for the 2x4


Yes, they are nice starter lights. Cheap and efficient.


There were some great deals…… I do believe on the TS 3000 that is actually down 200 from what I’ve seen on Amazon before. I could’ve got some used ones for that price. I’m getting ready to start a new grow soon. I’m going to be adding some new lights. I am broke right now. For people that have money that is a great deal.

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FFT10 in DWC getting the full blast of light with the FC4800, covers a whole 4×4 perfectly :two_hearts:


All dear growers! Mars Hydro Flash Deal is on, Just feel free to Enter.

US:6pm PST. 19th Aug

CA:6pm PST. 19th Aug

EU:12PM GTM+2. 19th Aug

UK:12PM GTM+2. 19th Aug


Mars Hydro is doing big things for OG. And the growing community. Good job!


Thanks @MarsHydro I’ve had one of your 100w lights for like 3 years and its great! I use it to start all my plants. I actually want another 100 for some small moms I’m going to be doing. Missed the TS6100 sale tho, will have to grab later. Products have improved a lot as well

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Thanks :heart:

If there is a TS1000 for sale, I will let you know. :grinning:

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SP150 50% OFF - Thirteenth Anniversary Promotion - Last Chance
US:6pm PST. 22nd Aug
CA:6pm PST. 22nd Aug
EU:12PM GTM+2 . 22nd Aug
UK:12PM GTM+2 . 22nd Aug
AU:6pm AEST. 22nd Aug


Opinion collection:
What functions do you think the heating mat should have?