Mars Hydro Online Chat

@Villiager 5%OFF COUPON:MHUK5 :blush:

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FC8000LED CHIPS are not Osram but Samsung LM301B.

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When your new supplement bars will be available in europe? And do you plan to use uvb in future?

ADLITE Supplement Light - Maximizing Growth with ADLITE UV Series!

The synergistic use of UV not only promotes healthier plants but also leads to more bountiful harvests.Seedling :seedling:

Stay poised for the grand unveiling of ADLITE in your gardening adventure, and get ready to be dazzled by the remarkable transformation it will bring to your indoor garden!

A Guide to Level Up Your Harvest :arrow_right: ADLITE Supplement Light - A Guide to Level Up Your Harvest


Would two FCE-3000’s be suitable for a 6x6?

That’s very interesting @MarsHydro , looking forward to seeing these in action. Will these attach to the FC series?


Amazing @MarsHydro i’ve been waiting for them to arrive in :canada: !

Like @DougDawson I also have a FC6500 and am under the impression that we’re looking at the IR30, Red55, and UV55 for our fixtures?

Any Overgrow discount codes? :crossed_fingers: / :thinking:

I was hoping there would be an option to purchase all 3 as a slightly discounted set versus going 1 at a time.

Regardless I’m really happy y’all are listening to your growers and are offering these as separate fixtures so we can set-up the appropriate times for each wavelength!



Overgrow Code:MarsOG :blush:


6 * 6=36
Coverage area of 2 FCE3000s: 3 * 3 * 2=18
It doesn’t seem to be enough.

You can choose the product that suits you based on the light coverage area, budget, etc.

Tent Selection Guide:

Light Selection Guide:


Still have no idea of using Adlite Supplement Lights?

We’ve got you covered.:point_down:


The 3% discount code is no worky on the :canada: page.


(I know it’s only 3% because it does work on the :us: page :ok_hand: )

I will confirm with the product department and will get back to you after confirmation.

We’ve fixed the issue and you can try again now. :blush:


February Exclusive!Fallen leaf :fallen_leaf:

Use code “MHADLITE” to enjoy 20% OFF our Adlite Supplement LightsDouble exclamation mark :bangbang:

Not only promotes healthier plants but also leads to more bountiful harvests.Flexed biceps :muscle:

Get yoursRight arrow :arrow_right: Mars Hydro Adlite Supplement LED Grow Lights

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OOOHHH!!! This is the kinda code we appreciate!

Any luck this one will be for :canada: too @MarsHydro ?
Just tried and it’s not active on the Canada site.

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Sorry, this discount code is currently only available for the United States. Each site has different activities and times. :love_you_gesture:

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Will this eventually happen to us in :canada: ?

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It should work now, you can try it again. :blush:

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Wonderful sharing from users! Partying face :partying_face:

“I’m very impressed with it. Now on day 63. Grown under the amazing MarsHydroLight FCE4800. Smiling face with smiling eyes :blush:

” Come and share your wonderful plantings and see who wins! Seedling :seedling:


Yahoo Nice work @Pigeonman and Thank You @MarsHydro #marshydro for that Discount Code !!
Here is the TS1000 as a side-lite