Mars Hydro Online Chat

Thank you, sounds like it was an “in-tents” conversation.


Important indicators of a grow tent​:point_right:the smoothness and durability of the zipper!:closed_lock_with_key:

Heavy-duty zippers with unique light-blocking strips.:muscle:

MarsHydro keeps up with the quality while maintaining a good price ratio!:heart:

What indicators of a tent do you think are most important? Leave your thoughts. :wink:


The flaps over the zippers are great, I love my 5x5. I would like to see extension kits for your smaller tents to give them more height.

I’m laughing and I’m out of Likes. Too funny… services <=> discount :grinning:
subtle oh so subtle


At least I got some form of acknowledgement :rofl: :+1:


Italics even … this is performance material. If I’m reading it @Pigeonman I tend to read it all. Cheers Bud


Mars Hydro’s First Giveaway of 2024 is Here!

Go and participate, don’t miss it :gift:

Check out the shares from Mars Hydro users! :clap:

Are you satisfied with our FC-EVO series? :hugs:

Your feedback matters! Comment below and share your thoughts and feelings with us…

:camera_flash: matyice420(twt)


Hi, your wait is over…

Wake up and smell the newness!!

We’re now to be launching our new Adlite Supplement Lights. :fire::fire::fire:

We can’t wait to introduce you to the most powerful plant growth-promoting and flavor-enhancing artifacts!

IR: to increase the photosynthesis rate, promote robust stem growth.

UV: to improve plant nutritional quality and stimulate biomass production.

Deep Red: to boost led grow light efficiency, reduced growth time, increase yield and improve taste.

Be the first to get this :arrow_right: Adlite-supplement-led-grow-lights


When available in :canada: @MarsHydro ?


Winners Announcement: :fire:

Congratulations to @Movement13 who won the prize -Mars Hydro Clip Fan

:gift: Please private message us ASAP to take away your prize :gift:



What!!! Awesomeness thanks guys!!!:exploding_head:

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Currently only available in the US and Japan. Other locations will be launched around February and March.

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Thanks @MarsHydro !!

Congrats @Movement13 !!! :partying_face:

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Let us know what to plant in February to get your garden ready for spring. :green_heart:

It’s a great time to sow all kinds of seeds! :seedling:


This February ia clearly an good month to start the outdoor season specially with the legalization movement.
So happy that i can use my mars hydro fc 300.

What is the difference between your new lights
FC-EVO Samsung LM301H EVO and
FC Series Samsung LM301B
Ir better ask whats the difference between the chips

Another boost to your GREEN THUMBS godsend!:seedling::dash::rocket:

The new MarsHydro clip-on fan brings fresh air to your plants.:four_leaf_clover:

You can get a 15% discount with the code 15CLIPONFANS :boom: Are you excited?

Get yours :point_right: New MarsHydro Clip Fan

Applicable to the US

Note: The activities and times of each site are inconsistent. For details, please refer to the website information and our posting notices.


@Villiager 301H has better light efficiency than 301B. :blush:

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Do you will have the fc 8000 back in to the deals in the eu shop? The fce is also nice but an buddy told me that he got the fc for 600€.

And is there an over grow code available?

And which Osram leds you use

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