Maruf, Maruf, Maruf Is On Fire (Burn Motherfucker, Burn) [pt.1]

The Iranian has always sounded absolutely epic! Look at @Strayfox stud! I would give my left nut for a cut of that, or Skunky Brewster too. Prolific frost monster, funky, greasy and potent af! It’s what first out Iranian on the map for me , been looking for something similar since. Thanks for all the info on the Iranian any and all is very appreciated :facepunch:t2: and thank you for doing this for all of us, truly I’ve been stalking the mailman the last few days like a champ! I’m ecstatic for this one :pray:t3:


Got an epic package in the mail this morning! Made me so stoked seeing those words on there…. Maruf Red ! Fist pump and big smiles quickly ensued! Much much respect for doing this and sharing with everyone out of pocket. This is the stuff that makes OG what it is and an absolute standout in an area that is over saturated with so many forums ! But so few good ones. Thanks so much for these landrace gems and epic crosses! Absolutely stoked :facepunch:t2:


Maruf landed in my mailbox today!

Thank you!!!


Well put @TopShelfTrees1 I also really appreciate the seeds @SF0 :pray:

1 Like

Great strains

Which one out all them was ur favorite?

Good morning mate. I pay for the shipping I would love try them or trade you some of my crosses. I don’t know how to msg private