Mass Medical Strains

If you research the story of how Woodstock Farmacy and Bodhi got their AG seeds, you’ll likely find what I did…the seeds were gifted to both with the understanding that they would not sell the AG seeds, but they could do seed expansions for preservation & gifting and they could breed with the AG for sale.

Woodstock gifted some AG seeds to MMS, which MMS (according to Woodstock) quickly killed due to MMS’s inexperience. MMS agrees they all died, but I can’t recall if he accepted the blame or if he blamed someone helping him grow them. Bodhi heard about it and gifted additional AG seeds to MMS because MMS said he wanted to do a seed expansion/preservation. As soon as the AG seeds went up for sale, Woodstock blew a gasket & MMS pulled them from sale and gave them as freebies instead. MMS claimed there was never any agreement not to sell the AG seeds and that he was being bullied. But conveniently, the only screenshots MMS posted were ones where he looked innocent, not the ones where he gave back every bit of vitriol and more. It wasn’t until Woodstock Farmacy made the rest of the screenshots available for posting that the whole story came to light.

MMS is now claiming that Bodhi gave his blessing to expand and sell the AG seeds…and also claims he’s “donating a portion of the proceeds to charity.” Pretty sure Woodstock washed his hands of anything to do with MMS, and will let karma take care of MMS.

From Trollitup, Pupelle (aka MMS) posted yesterday:

Bodhi sent me more AG seeds after that, and gave me his blessing to make more pure and sell them. People need this strain, why wouldn’t we !
We will even be donating some proceeds to charity <3

Preserving landrace strains and making them available to the community is so important, its that simple. It’s a shame there’s nowhere you can buy legit pure Acapulco Gold seeds (that I am aware of) and there’s places like Barney selling fake AG which is really Skunk 1 and flowers in 8 weeks… no thanks.

The way I read that is “Bodhi never explicitly said I couldn’t sell pure AG seeds” and “no one else is making money on AG seeds, so why shouldn’t I corner the market?”

As an aside, anyone saying they’re giving a “portion of proceeds” is selling you a bushel of “spiced road apples” while dumping a mound of horseshit in your yard. Proceeds = just the profit after all expenses, real and imagined. A portion = whatever amount they decide after they see how many proceeds they have, since even $0.01 per pack amounts to “a portion”.