Mass Medical Strains

Yeah, please spread the love around!


So 3 fem Deadly Swabi up for grabs


Opinions may vary and thatā€™s fine. Everyone should do their own research to determine who they want to support.

Unfortunately, finding open information about MMS is difficult because he actively blocks so many people as soon as they follow a ā€œhaterā€ account, ask difficult questions about some of the information that he put out, or point out incorrect/contradictory/inconsistent information that he posted.

Before MMS blocked me on IG, it was also interesting how many bitterly angry rants he would post about ā€œhis haters and the lies they tellā€ only to quickly remove them so all traces of his outbursts were removed, leaving only content that made him out to be a victim.


@anon71563794 Iā€™ll take the Swabbies please. If theyā€™re available

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pm me details and they are yours


Anybody going to try and get the acapulco gold tomorrow from MMS?

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Who are the genetics from?

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This is our good sized selective open pollination project for pure genetic preservation, only hermaphrodite plants were removed (of which there were surprisingly few hermie females for such wild genetics, and more hermie males), and there are over 60 combinations of stable male to female Acapulco Gold plants to retain as much original genetic diversity as possible! All the plants we used displayed fantastic stability so there is a lot of potential Thank you to those who made this project possible: Wellgrown, Bodhi, Woodstock."


No. I remember when he tried to sell these the first time a while agoā€¦Woodstock was not pleased he was profiting off these. He ended up giving them as freebies because of the blowback.


Whats the story with Woodstock? I am not familiar with them or Wellgrown. He also thanks Bodhi, whoā€™s Acapulco Gold is from Liquid_kid06

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Oh man Iā€™ve no idea to be honest.

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If you research the story of how Woodstock Farmacy and Bodhi got their AG seeds, youā€™ll likely find what I didā€¦the seeds were gifted to both with the understanding that they would not sell the AG seeds, but they could do seed expansions for preservation & gifting and they could breed with the AG for sale.

Woodstock gifted some AG seeds to MMS, which MMS (according to Woodstock) quickly killed due to MMSā€™s inexperience. MMS agrees they all died, but I canā€™t recall if he accepted the blame or if he blamed someone helping him grow them. Bodhi heard about it and gifted additional AG seeds to MMS because MMS said he wanted to do a seed expansion/preservation. As soon as the AG seeds went up for sale, Woodstock blew a gasket & MMS pulled them from sale and gave them as freebies instead. MMS claimed there was never any agreement not to sell the AG seeds and that he was being bullied. But conveniently, the only screenshots MMS posted were ones where he looked innocent, not the ones where he gave back every bit of vitriol and more. It wasnā€™t until Woodstock Farmacy made the rest of the screenshots available for posting that the whole story came to light.

MMS is now claiming that Bodhi gave his blessing to expand and sell the AG seedsā€¦and also claims heā€™s ā€œdonating a portion of the proceeds to charity.ā€ Pretty sure Woodstock washed his hands of anything to do with MMS, and will let karma take care of MMS.

From Trollitup, Pupelle (aka MMS) posted yesterday:

Bodhi sent me more AG seeds after that, and gave me his blessing to make more pure and sell them. People need this strain, why wouldnā€™t we !
We will even be donating some proceeds to charity <3

Preserving landrace strains and making them available to the community is so important, its that simple. Itā€™s a shame thereā€™s nowhere you can buy legit pure Acapulco Gold seeds (that I am aware of) and thereā€™s places like Barney selling fake AG which is really Skunk 1 and flowers in 8 weeksā€¦ no thanks.

The way I read that is ā€œBodhi never explicitly said I couldnā€™t sell pure AG seedsā€ and ā€œno one else is making money on AG seeds, so why shouldnā€™t I corner the market?ā€

As an aside, anyone saying theyā€™re giving a ā€œportion of proceedsā€ is selling you a bushel of ā€œspiced road applesā€ while dumping a mound of horseshit in your yard. Proceeds = just the profit after all expenses, real and imagined. A portion = whatever amount they decide after they see how many proceeds they have, since even $0.01 per pack amounts to ā€œa portionā€.


I do want the seeds. But I donā€™t want to support shitty businessmen. Besides thereā€™s absolutely no reason they need to be $120 per 13 pack. Thatā€™s $9.30 per seed. Nonsense I say


My plan is to buy a pack, do a massive open pollination, and very vocally and openly give away as many seeds as humanly possible as a giant middle finger to MMS. IMO the way hes handled this whole thing is really not ok. Heā€™s not acting like someone who wants to preserve these genetics or steward them or do anything besides profit. F that!!


Iā€™m honestly a little surprised theyā€™re reg seeds, considering what he did with the Swabi.


I have a pack of AG freebies from Bodhi, which is what I feel is an appropriate price for something that should be shared with the world. I would definitely consider donating that pack to a preservation effort, provided the new seeds were freely shared.


Iā€™ll shoot you a dm! I think this could end up working out very well as I have the space and resources to do such a thing but also realllly donā€™t wanna give my money to MMS lol


oh man if we do a seed run, tag me for sure!


I hear ya and Iā€™m right there with ya. Iā€™d prefer to see a seed increase/preservation done with a majority of the AG from Bodhi packs and other fully legit sources (aka not from MMS) if we can find enough people willing to donate seed stock.


Iā€™m super down to do the preservation run on these as I was planning to do it anyway lol Iā€™m stoked yā€™all are down for this idea! I wanna spread the AG so far and wide that people have no reason to buy it from MMS- or anyone for that matter! I feel like doing an OP on a single pack should probably be good enough seeing as itā€™s a pretty stable line but if yā€™all think we should source another pack Iā€™m down to do it with two packs. Just would like it to be specifically the same AG line.
This would be my first time doing a formal preservation run for OG- whatā€™s the protocol surrounding this? I feel like we should start a separate thread for this project