Max plants per ft2


How quickly do you typically flip to 12/12?

And typically what node do you top at?


I flip to 12/12 based on when my plants graduate from the small pots that I start them in. Usually they’re only about 3-4 nodes at most. I don’t always top, but if I do, it usually goes something like transplant from small pot, wait for recovery and grow 1-2 more nodes, then top. I’m always topping in early 12/12, as late as the end of stretch.


I like to top above 4th node then remove bottom node. Then veg another week before switching.


And here I am growing 1 plant per 3 ft2 :rofl:

This makes me want to do a sog :thinking:

I’ve never been a believer in 12/12 from seed giving shorter plants but that’s just IMO. I personally think 24/0 veg with some fairly intense blue spectrum lights will help to keep them short first, and then 12/12 flip when you’re ready. Only issue could be the very tight node spacing.

I’ve found waiting to top until there’s at least 5 nodes, working on the 6th, and topping just above the 3rd node, seems to work really well. You can top higher than the 3rd, but I wouldn’t do it sooner than when the 6th node is growing out. I’ve wasted a literal week or growth because I snipped off the 4th node just when it was tall enough to cut and the other nodes didn’t even have a branch really started yet.


This guy was finishing plants in little seed starter trays to maximize plant/space. Its quite awesome, and something I wanna try eventually.


A run I did quite a few years ago with small plants in a perpetual. Most of the details are in the thread link here:


I found an a post on another forum outlining called The Bonsai Sultan Method: Typological Breeding In Little Space.

He goes into some basics about selection but the way he sets up his space I thought was interesting. I don’t really have the hands-on breeding experience to evaluate it, but he puts a lot of plants in a really small area, which is a handy feature. :slight_smile:


Wow! Thanks all… some very cool stuff here.

Ya - I dig that this may be a bit ambitious - the dude who grew in the small cells blows my mind.

The big thing is getting some selection done, I fell like there is so much to run and so little time!!

Going to do some reading and then I’ll fire up a journal once I get things germed.


I just got these tree pots to start plants for ebb and flow… but maybe I’ll try finishing some plants in them.


Pretty cool - never have seen those before!

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300 some odd watts in a 2x2


Ive run clones in 6inch pots before; 4/sq ft.
Untopped. Works real well w cuts w minimal side branching. W cuts that branch out it becomes quite a tangled mess.

Good luck


Pretty cool he was talking about the paonia purple paralyzer

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We’re these seeds or cuts?

Solo cups start to finish - nice!

12/12 straight away?

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I think this is how I’ll be running it.

Seeds may be tough with branching - but for the most part I’m good with trimming back branches for cutting as required and focusing really on 1 top per plant.

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Seeds I think I may have done a week of veg it’s my thunderdome thread other than adding the second light halfway through flower it wasn’t bad

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Awesome - I’ve looked at the thread before but will go back more closely.

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I only fed them CalMag and a little booster about halfway through flower

Impressive! I’m liking it :slight_smile:

@Palindrome runs a SOG with high plant counts. Maybe he can chime in. Personally, I get better results growing fewer, bigger, plants.