Mel franks GDP run

I have them in my too pop soon bin. I already started outdoor prep before they made it and am out of room. I will tag you when I pop though.


Still waiting on USPS to deliver. Soon as my tester run is done be sure some of these will be in the next run.


No news here. Still waiting


Well Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just the post being slow. If who ever hasnā€™t received thee and sent me there address please jump back to that message and shoot me another so I can figure out tracking as I mailed 50 items that day and hoped all would arrive.


Received mine some weeks ago. Thanks for the great effort and Overgrown spirit!!!


Iā€™ve only gotten one returned by the mail and it was to Sweden who ever that was. Sorry but it looks like that one wonā€™t make it to where it was going.

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havent got mine yetā€¦ slow mail :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: i think they bring mail by foot in these parts


Thatā€™s sad to hear :frowning:

Not the first one thatā€™s being sent back thanks to the Swedish post office !!

Well maybe theyā€™ll be in better hands now


Iā€™ll try again. It said it had to do with customs not being filled out correctly, so Iā€™m gonna research things and hope for the best second round.


Yupp same story as the last ones

They need it declared in that way so they can charge me moneyā€¦

Souvenirs and stickers is what I usually say to them when they ask me about a package they canā€™t figure out how much to tax me on ā€¦ and 8 of 10 they charge 15 bucks and send it to me ā€¦
2 of 10 they send them backā€¦ sometime even after I paid their shitty custom taxes


Good to know, so I should put a cheap value down to make it simpler?


Well then thatā€™s a bamboozling Iā€™ll keep that in mind. I wasnā€™t sure what the deal was as a few made it close to you but not the same country. Kinda interesting that if it is shipped in they tax you. Wonder if snail mail would Be a more viable choice.


Iā€™d think a card in a regular envelope should be able to sneak in untaxed ! That sure sounds like a money grab from the government to me .


Amount = money wise and whatā€™s in the package ā€œ ishā€ would be the perfect thing


Iā€™ve noticed that when you send them stealth in coin holders and birthday cardsā€¦ they never stop them !

Maybe once in a 100 receivedā€¦

But all the once with tracking is always stoped and always taxedā€¦ also those a bit thicker than usual mail ( envelope ) they could stopā€¦

Now Iā€™m a bit worried of the joti buyā€¦

My money on that they will resend them to the sender alsoā€¦

Same with the freakshow beans I got from @anon93244739 they where sent back with the same reasons as described by you @Enjoi802

Never will understand what :sweden: is up to


Pretty dumb of me but I didnā€™t realize you were in Sweden, the postage system there is a joke. I had a box of vinyl records sent over when I lived near Gothenburg and the tax was almost $200ā€¦ insane. After a few arguments with them I bit the bullet and went to pay but that day the computers were down so they just handed me the package and I legged it haha


Will you get a second chance with the freak seeds?


Yeah !

Everything with a value over 150ā‚¬$Ā£

Is 25 % of the price of the ā€œthingā€ youā€™re receiving

Plus 12 % taxes

So it could easily go to a high amount in the end

You were lucky @FattyRoots :rofl::rofl::v::v:

If I start counting how many times Iā€™ve paid taxes for parcels I would be mad.

Iā€™ve always feltā€¦ fuck it let them have it as long as I get whatā€™s mineā€¦ but Iā€™m not even getting that anymore


The freaks are staying put in the safe hands of @anon93244739 and will maybe be crossed with some other good stuff that he has going onā€¦

hopefully @corey has enough for all of us thatā€™s in the listā€¦


Thatā€™s shitty to hear that itā€™s the same system in place.

Howā€™s the stigma around the plant there these days? I was looked at as a junky for being a pot head back in 2007 so hopefully that mindset has shifted. Saying that though ironically all my Swedish friends outside of Sweden are open minded smokers.