Mel franks GDP run

Stoner, toker, life enjoyer you still not a part of the society in the minds of sweds…

Even thou a lot of people have been opening their eyes for what mmj can do, it’s still shit in the eyes of the government’s.

Growing-selling = jail time

Smoking-possession of small amounts = 50 days times your daily salary as a fine

Sorry for clogging your thread @Enjoi802 :pray::pray::pray:


I feel honored. I’ve always wanted to visit Sweden so it’s good to know these things. Plus look at it as culturing me as I don’t get out much and don’t look beyond my nose normally. I take liberty in freely getting what is sent to me is what I learned today!

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Here’s what the purple moonshine looks like in the octopots. Mom played a big roll it looks like in passing the leafs and stem structure and it look like dad helped with the stretch. The smell is of good dank. These have been above ground perhaps two months and out doors for three weeks now.
The last is a stardawg x i95 that has made her way outside also.


Purple Moonshine, sounds awesome. Is it something that you created? I would love to get my hands on some. I have a Liquor Cookies Moonshine X Chem D, that was gifted to me by a seed bank, was never made available to the public. I recently grew one awesome weed. Next time, I grow it, I’ll be making seeds, only have a limited amount of seeds left. I will put them to good use.
Have a great day, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Does anyone know when Mel will be releasing more gdp?

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Purple moonshine from me?
Forgot who made that


@repins12 yes that is my creation. I sent them out to folks who followed along not long ago. I did send out remaining stock to a few folks not long ago and as of my last trade show all that’s left for me is the plants I have going. I look at plants and seeds like the season. I love to save them. But allow for them to flow with the breeze with sometime little thought after.
@Phil_Bombs I know @ToddMcC released some not to long ago. As to when they will do it again I’m not sure. I know Mel told me he made regular seeds which I have (from the first drop and the more recent) and feminized seeds. So I would expect the fem drop to be next. Though I would say don’t hesitate on anything when it comes to grabbing off Ag.
I’m not sure but I hope I sent you some! Because yes purple moonshine should be for everyone! Though sadly I won’t be able to recreate this cross exactly again as the parents are no longer with us, but the hope was to bring two classic powerhouse together for a rendition of blue moonshine.


I have received the GDP seeds, thank you very much for growing and sharing these! :pray: :seedling:


Looking good nice strain

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Still no sign of sex. I’m hoping by the next check on them they will be showing. And then I can make my F2’s. This time I’ll also be adding some of this to a GMO rootbeer clone, and a Stardawg x I95 clone. This have a heavy funk to them. I mean it’s been raining for what 18 days straight and they are still loving life.


Sound good what’s your root beer like heard it’s true to its name never smoked it .

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Stripped them, sprayed them with neem and a few other things. Still no sign of sex yet. Next visit to them I’ll bet I’m going to see something


I still haven’t received my GDP. At this point, I think it is safe to say they got “intercepted” right? Haha.
Shit happens.



Sent you a message

Hey everyone. I hope you don’t mind my doing this but the name of the thread led me here. :wink:
I have something going that I’m hoping someone can help out with.
I got lucky enough to find a GDP female that has the smell of Juicy Fruit gum. The seed was a fem.
Within two weeks I’ll harvest her and revegetate her. She’s going to be my clone mother.
I’m sure you see where I’m heading with this.
I’m looking for pollen or seeds from as many GDP varieties as possible. Regular strains are fine.
@Indoornesian has been trying to find this particular pheno for a long time and I plan to do what I can to help.
I don’t have much to trade with but what I have, I’ll offer up.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thanks everyone!
:pray::v: :cowboy_hat_face:


I read in another thread where I believe it was @ifish ( if I’m not mistaken ) has a variety that has that Wrigley’s yellow pack. Maybe he can enlighten us further as to what it is.


Dynasty’s ms universe : ) there’s a pic of it in my topic


That looks crazy ifish! And you never got a chance to get more? That’s a shame.
I looked on Leafy. That strain sounds like it’ll put you into far orbit!
Too bad it wasn’t a GDP strain. The hunt continues!! lol
:v: :sunglasses:


Too spacey for me , I’m a fan of the warm cozy blanket type lol Ive hardly touched it , was Nice to watch grow tho : )