Mel franks GDP run

They were not ilgm my friend. Those GDP came from a purp mix pack from…let me go look… homegrown cannabis co


Thanks man. I had that wrong obviously. I’m writing that down right now.
I should have remembered that convoy.


Np brother. Just wanted to set it straight in case somebody might act on that.


they are available through the vault seed bank. They are legitimate and an og sponsor, but their markup for ken’s seeds is ridiculous right now.

seedsman has them as well, but I can’t make any sense of their website after the changes that were made as a result of the Spanish seed company raids.

I’m waiting to hear back from ken and his people on where the next official releases will be sold. I’m hoping there is a more direct way for us to get them than the european seed banks. I’m hoping it will be available through one of the US based seed banks.

They mainly sell seeds in person at canna cups and conventions. Seeds used to be available in bay area dispensaries, but I don’t know if California dispensaries are still selling seeds after legalization.


Now I have to go and research “homegrown cannabis co” to see if they worked the original Ken Estes line into theirs. As far as I know from growing out lots of his gear exclusively for years, his was the only GDP with the Wrigley gum yellow pack smell and taste.


Good luck in your search! All I can is the GDP I grew set the pace in my tent in vigor, bud size, frost, you name it for my first grow. I definitely didn’t treat that thing well either. Mobillys looks aight too :wink:.


MoBilly’s plant is spot on for the rarely seen phenotype my camp has been looking for ages. We’ve only seen that expression twice in two decades!


Here are just a few of the songs about grandaddy purple-

For a long time, almost every bay area rap song had lyrics about grandaddy purple in them.
Ken even shows up from time to time.


Me too please! I really wanted these. I was hoping they went to @Sebring before he left.


Thanks again.:v:

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Dungeon vault genetics use to work with ken. He has been a great resource for me in trying to decide what GDP is. Some say Urkle and big bud. Others say it was a worked afghan. Dungeon vault has expressed that the GDP Ken clone is very different from the seed line. I think that depending on how one works the line will really keep genetic depression in place for certain aspects those purple traits seem to hold dominant aspects. Same with structure and leaf appearance. For me it’s the recessives that make me want to know what’s hidden with in. Most depression comes at f5 generation. Anything after unless outcrossed locks traits in. So my suspicions are that this is a worked f5 (kens clone). And that the seeded LBs that became his seed lines are the outcross that will start to let me see how to cube things.
@Eagles009 home grown cannabis co is a great company with reputation, my friend the sollyvagabond deals with them so I would suspect it’s a work on the clone and not the seed stock like Mel frank has.
If your looking for real GDP clone darkheart nursery has them.


Local wisdom says it’s an old northern california black market line. Ken was the link between the black market and the legal medical system.

To be honest, I think all we will ever know about grandaddy purple is that it is an old black market line. Due to the legalities of the medical system, no one could acknowledge the black market origins of any of the lines that were being cultivated within the legal system.

Ken is never telling anybody who he got it from. The old black market culture was that you never ever say a word about your source. the legal necessities of the medical system for prop 215 patients cemented that for another 20 years.

Ken’s story about the genetics (purple urkle x big bud) and where he originally got the line (smoking the peace pipe with an indian chief) is just a story.

Just a catchy story and a simple explanation to satisfy anyone who needs a story to go with the line. The original growers who could not be legally associated with it, they didn’t want their names or their methods known.

If it really is an old line, it’s origins would be pretty predictable based on how people grew in california from the 60s through the 80s. People grew local strains from seeds picked up from other dealers and growers, along with whatever new import seeds they could get their hands on. It wasn’t an organized breeding process.

Most of the growers were families who grew their own “line” which was usually whatever they found in seeded buds from other local dealers, plus additional seeds from new import genetics every year. The import genetics continually crossed into their local genetics until it became a distinct polyhybrid.

This is how emerald triangle green bud eventually became OG Kush. Almost all the really old california lines were formed this way.

If you watch the interview where ken gives his version of the story, he actually explains the vague complicated truth of many different growing and mixing in the black market that people were just growing a bunch of different lines, the mexican, and then later indica imports which imparted the purple traits and relaxing medicinal qualities.

Now between the internet and legalization, people are used to having all the information about a line available at their fingertips. that just isn’t how things used to work, there will never be a clear cut explanation for these black market heirlooms. They come from a different era.


What ever it is has a majestic stature and I love it all the same. I just wanted to make sure that it’s known that the lines are not what one would call Ken’s GDP clone. But a very dominant GDP line.

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Now a bunch of people think OG kush comes from florida. Ocean Grown started as a diverse polyhybrid seed line in the emerald triangle in california, but just a few seeds were brought to florida in the 90s and those genetically bottlenecked southern versions are what circulated in most of the country. The originals pretty much stayed in the bay area, that’s why we used to have so much diversity in the OG lines in california.

You can kind of trace the black market movement of OG from the florida triangle kush to the atlanta based irene OG. These were made a lot later and changed hands a lot more frequently, so there is a lot more documentation about these versions and that leads people to assume they came first.

These all have sweet candy / pastry smells, not like the bay area originals. Still good weed but completely different. That’s all you can get now because those are the versions that more people were exposed to. You never see the grass valley og, the tahoe, the platinum, or any of the others.

I totally agree.

This is pretty much the same thing that happened with the og lines. The later versions are still good, just not that same thing.

Now it’s mostly irene and tk based. There are versions like archive’s rudeboi og which combined one of the old west coast cuts (ghost) with one of the southern cuts (irene), and the genetically bottlenecked irene completely dominates the hybrid with it’s dominant traits. the more genetically diverse ghost becomes completely recessive.


I got some old Cali Con ogk lines that a brother was dealing with that found a very worthy male.

It’s what my insect trap is made out of.
Stickier than hot marshmallow.
Catches shit and don’t let go, I have not seen that in anything I’ve run in the last couple years.
Have a few crosses that I recd from him left.
A ww x and talk of kabul x, I think one other.


Sounds like the Audrey!

I’ve liked the Cali Connection stuff I have run, and have had good luck on it. Sent a freind a mix pack, and they found a bunch of winners in it.

One they coined S.O.S. (Stuck on Stupid). They were driving in the snow, and thought they were going 55 with the snow effect, looked down and were only going 25 :grinning:


And a winner in Guess That Strain.
It helps if you created it.

Good morning C

You got any of Audrey sitting?
If so …Well you know the rest or any more of them WW x’s?


These were made over 10 years ago I’m sure.
Maybe @Comacus will chime in here.

And seriously I have not run anything close to it stickiness wise since and that’s been quite a few years.
Wtf, definitely shows the watering down of present day gear, just in that short amount.of time.


The next generation. F2 is starting. If anyone else is growing these out please post up some pics. I have my friend COPA out of Maine sending me updates from his but I ain’t saying nothing because she ain’t over till she’s over. But I gotta say I’m starting to get real hyped. There’s one pic in there of the GMO rootbeer, it’s the lanky one.
These bad mamajamas are standing 8ft. Hit flower two weeks ago. And are sharing 13 gal octopots. 2 per pot. And banging away. I mean these have blown my mind in terms of care free maintenance and phenomenal performance. But she ain’t over yet. We shall see


Excellent looking and I’ve got that strain your going to make me get those wet aren’t ya ?
Keep us updated I’m tagged in .