Memory issues

I’ve got a pretty bad short term memory/executive function but that’s from numerous severe head injuries not weed. I can remember long excerpts from books, speeches and historical documents, but if you tell me your name I’ve already forgotten it.:sweat_smile:

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I’ll take it one step further, I took my last final of college on 4 hits of acid. It was psychology. Got a 87 on the final.

Lucky for me when it really started kicking in, I was already back at the dorm.


dont know i agree with that, was trapped in a fire, some times have nightmares that are exactly like the first time minus the injuries

I’ve had memory issues for as long as I can remember…no pun intended, even as a kid I forgot shit constantly and still do to this day. Idk if I would say cannabis causes memory loss. But if it does then I believe it works like the Buffalo theory :rofl: on a side note has anyone seen my vaporizer? I lost the damn thing again

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@Who sounds tuff , hope you get it sorted over time

Sorry @Who that sucks. I have memories from childhood with huge blank spots…unpleasant shit that is just coming back gradually, and things that are just now making sense.

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