Mendalian Inheritance Allele Chart for Cannabis Breeding

Some of you may have seen Vader’ From Ocean Grown seed’s video on genetics and specifically in cannabis, He made a nice chart similar to this one talking about the Allele and how the work, Well stumbled on this chart today in a video Credit to lord of the strains ! really helped me see it and definitely thought others would find it interesting ! another tool to help with breeding !


Heck ya that’s all about dominate and recessive traits and using the punnett square to figure out likelihood of those manifested traits. Awesome!
Edit- phenotype/s for those who don’t like the word trait
Edit x2- I don’t like the word “strain” and everyone uses it when genus would be a more correct term


Lastima que no sea tan fácil: muchos rasgos no son mendelianos o dependen de múltiples genes…

It’s a shame that it’s not so easy: many traits are not Mendelian or depend on multiple genes …


Oh forsure I dont believe this is THE chart for breeding but I definitely think its handy especially when learning how these things work. If only it was that easy!! haha would have epic strains

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@Hoodini I think variety is the normal term when dealing with most plants eg. toms
normally strain relates to viruses, influenza etc.


I think your right thanks :blush:

I thought “phenotype” = “total combination of traits”


Yes for a seed line, it would be called a variety (variation implied in the name). For a single plant, it’s considered a cultivar. I love the word cultivar, it just rolls off the tongue.

Yes and no. :wink:
What most people call phenotype is really a genotype, ie a combination of traits in the genes.

Phenotype would be the expression of those genes in a specific environment. For example we both grow the GG4 cultivar, but one expresses certain traits based on the environment. They are genetically identical, but they express thoe traits differently.


I think the Mendelian chart is helpful to a limited extent. Mostly it illustrates how F1s can be extremely consistent, while F2 and beyond is a crap shoot.

The short green plant and the tall purple plant will almost certainly differ in many other ways than these two traits.

Imagine a chart like that, but with every known cannabis allele. The number of genotypes would be insane.

Is there a list somewhere of common cannabis traits, showing which traits are dominant vs. recessive?

For example, the chart above shows “short” being dominant over “tall”. Is this a known fact, or is it only for demonstration purposes?


would be nice! Im trying to learn and seeing this chart i went this looks great! lol many flaws though


I had a female ufs#18 that got hit with some freakshow pollen. I’m assuming all of these seeds will be the standard 7-9 fingered leaves and the freakshow leaf mutation wouldn’t show unless hit with male freakshow pollen again?