Methyl Jasmonate (MeJA) help

I read the study once over and noticed the following:
Transient change in THCA content about 5%. Forces plant metabolism to convert more CBD into THC. mmm oh yes, no change to trichome morphology, but a large change to the plant itself. If you look at the images, they are about half the size when treated.


What the fuck!?!? That looks like a whole other plant growing off that stem!

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This one looks pretty good when it comes to addressing the relationship of JA to other plant signaling, seems really complicated to predict response to an exogenous application of MeJA:

fpls-10-01349.pdf (1.6 MB)


@DavesNotHere talked about making their own JA foliar using KNF OHN tek on fresh jasmine flowers or dried ones rehydrated with flat cheap beer, maybe @BeagleZ or @Wuachuma might be able to comment on that approach, since one of your questions was how to DIY it organically.

My thought on it is that the plant generates endogenous jasmonic acids as a stress response, especially to leaf or stem damage, so topping, aggressive supercropping and other high-stress training techniques along with Day 1-21-42 defoliation in flower are probably generating plenty IMO


Wanted to update everyone. I had actually ordered some MeJA from PowerGrown before reading all of the replies (I tend to pull the trigger faster than I shouldā€¦ā€¦). Well, they also sent me Chitosan with the instructions below. Any thoughts??


Is it liquid or powder?

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The MeJA is liquid and the Chitosan is powder.

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Very interesting, never saw a powder before.
Does it smell strong?

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Sorry Shag, I clarified my response. The MeJA is liquid. Chitosan is powder. Havenā€™t opened either yet. Want to get the lay of the land first and then grow two clones (1 using these products and the other not using them) to rest out the ultimate outcome.


If possible could you note how many ml is equal to 0.382 grams of MeJA.
Also, I would not mix a gallon, maybe a liter at a time or even less, you should not need much for a proper reaction.

Chitosan get its best reaction when used as a spray.


Thanks Shag! Appreciate the info and duly noted!

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Awesome man, I canā€™t wait to see how it goes!!

Some reading you might find interestingā€¦

Trehalose Outperforms Chitosan, Humic Acid and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid in Promoting the Growth of Field Maize - PMC).


Thank you! I will be sure to keep everyone posted and may have to ping you once or twice for advice lol!

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The liquid should be pretty smelly.
At least the stuff I bought was.
You may want to wear gloves, should be perfume like.

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