Organic inputs and how they affect terpenes

So… it’s obvious that different inputs have an effect on getting full genetic potential or manipulating terpenes from a plant. Whether that’s caused by nutrient or organic inputs, pest response activating the SAR system, drought stress or whatever. I’m really interested in what ammendments people have noticed a difference in flavor after adding. I believe KNF inputs have had a positive effect in raising terpenes in my plants. Maybe we can get a good thread going here and learn from eachother ways to increase our terpenes and create a better product. Thank you for any input!


I haven’t tried it yet, but heard grape farmers in France use Sheep manure to bring out the terroir in the wine.

Could be something to test out with our favorite plants, but I don’t have a sheep manure connect to test it out.


My thinking is that the plants don’t care if it’s chem or organic and so it shouldn’t make a difference.


I’d say banana peels and a couple different kinds of bone meal and compost should help add to the terpene profile or make it come out more. The worst things are - High heat too dry and too much light intensity could kill off terpenes and make them taste like hay.
I’ve talked with other organic growers and they think bone meals helps with terpenes too! FPJ could help but I just make my own with banana peels and that’s all I’ve really experimented with.

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I’m a total novice who runs salts, but a smart thing I think I overheard correctly is a lot of people end up short on sulfur and sulfur very important to flavor. Will be following this thread tho, great idea.


I think Duke Diamond has a schedule to follow for his plants that says to add sulfur at something like mid flower.


If you wanna add sulfur then you can topdress with kitchenscraps.

Fruits and veggies rich in sulfur:

Dried fruit: especially dried peaches, apricots, sultanas, and figs.
Vegetables: particularly asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, leeks, onion, radishes, turnip tops, and watercress.

I already mainly topdress with kitchenscraps along with grass clippings, tree leaves, dandelion, etc.
The variety makes sure all necessary minerals and other elements are present.

And best of all, it’s free!

I harvested a blueberry plant not so long ago and the smell was hardcore blueberry for sure. :smile:

I’d like to add that it is mostly dependant on cultivar, I have other plants in the same soil that barely smell at all.


Something of note here is to be aware is that dried fruits are often (unless marked otherwise) sulfered as a preservative, by exposing them to sulfur dioxide. It’s still sulfur, but it isn’t naturally occurring, so if someone is using sulfured dry fruits, just cut out the middle man, add a sulfur supplement, and save the money you’d spend on fruit. The mentioned fruits do contain some naturally occurring sulfur, so the unsulfured versions could be utilized, but I wouldn’t buy dried fruits expressly for that purpose because they’re way more expensive than naturally occurring elemental sulfur.


I feel this is your best bet.

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Good that you mention it. I’ve had some come covered in refined glucose as preservative, makes my mouth feel really weird so stopped eating those.
I eat only certified organic as much as possible now, so no preservatives like that.
I topdress with the little tops of figs that are too hard to chew.
But anyway, plenty suflur in broccoli scraps.

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I don’t understand. Broccoli scraps? You don’t eat the stems and the tops?

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I cut a slice off the bottom of the stem and some of the hard skin of the stem.
But I don’t boil my broccoli, I stir fry most of the time.
I like my veggies to still be a bit raw on the inside.


I use this for IPM, no wpm since. Will this add to the terpenes? Thanks OG

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I believe that the interaction of the KNF inputs are in the soil and not directly in the plants!!!
the solutions will feed the microorganisms which in turn will release nutrients to the plants… it’s a mutual exchange of both parties!!!

@Ottafish what exactly have you been doing around in the plant watering routines???

Breed against “dead weight” perfume/chemical terpenes (myrcene pinene limonene terpinolene etc):

Breed for strong smelling compounds, thiols etc:

Diverse sulfur source:

Good amino acid/lipid source:

Microbes/enzymes for SAR (Salicylic) / ISR (Jasmonic) activation:
Products – TAINIO Biologicals, Inc.



Organic acids:

460nm (6500k) veg lights for strong roots, for strong PK uptake:

660nm (2100k) bloom lights for good PK uptake:

Good finishing lights:


I’ve noticed the same thing. Plants I used KNF inputs (FFJ, etc) on during flower had much stronger, enhanced terp profiles than those of the same strain, grown without.


I agree! Sulfur is very important!

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I used banana FFJ on my outdoor run and it definitely didn’t hurt. Smoke was very smooth and tasted great. I did a perfect cure which helps a lot.

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Thanks! I appreciate the input! I’ll have to try some of those.

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Awesome man! That’s excellent information there. I can do a lot of digging from that. I’m currently trying a foliar of chitosan, salicylic acid, and harpin protein, that is supposed to imitate bud factor x at a fraction of the price. Care to share any of your recipes?