Mexican Death Sativa repro

Top of the ad, 7/24 midnight EST.

Sorry I am still confused because midnight is when one day turns to the next… maybe I am too medicated I dunno


Ah, that is good point! Shoot. I’m going to look around.

edit: not finding it, other mentions from around town don’t even have a time or date. Just ‘coming soon’. Perhaps @nube has some insight?


Thanks for looking around… Ill let everyone here know if I find out. Im a early sleeper and early riser so I dont want to stay up if I dont have too!

The midnight July 24 date is a different breeder promo.
The Bodhi promo says ‘stay tuned for official drop date’.


Yep, just coming soon as everyone else pointed out. I’d guess it won’t be too long because some of the restock & new varietals are 88g13hp crosses. Since bodhi just posted a couple pics of an 88g13hp seed run a couple months ago, showing his male in a small room with maybe 15-20 moms and a caption “Love is in the air,” putting 2 and 2 together, I’d guess the seeds from that run are now done and getting shucked, cold snapped, and packaged for shipment “soon.” Just a guess, though! :wink:


Awesome project! Glad there are people doing stuff like this.


That’s interesting. I’ve never heard of that before but I’m getting to experience it first hand right now. I have 2 of @SamwellBB’s Purple Poison Cookies and sort of early on I had to take them into the house to avoid a hail storm. I think they stayed inside for a couple of days, and they had a shorter light cycle going … I’m forgetting how that went down now. The male had already started showing sacs before…

Anyway, once they got back to vegging the female had started to flower from being inside and I thought they would grow back out of it. The female has stayed at the same point since. It’s been growing but has all of these tiny early buds and they just stay at that stage. But, the male started to grow out of it I thought, but it’s gone to female, I think. The plant looks like the female.

This morning I think I did see a sac or two trying to form on top of the male. So, I’m wondering if it did go female, or just sort of pre flower male and stuck there, too. I hope it goes full male because it smells loud. And it’s getting a little frost on it.

But, that is interesting to know and I may try this again on purpose for all males in the future. That’s so cool to hear. I have to find that show. Do you remember which show it was on? I’d love to hear him again.

Oh, if you have enough beans left, I’d be up for a pack. I’ll PM you and you can let me know. Thanks for running them. I’m finally starting to gain a little on my sativa crosses. This one sounds nice. peace


I wish I saw this sooner.

The source was some breedering panel at some event; the full video is available to Patreon members of The Potcast. Here’s the snippet where Gene talks about the process however.

I’d love to talk more about this with anybody, especially if you’ve also done it intentionally. As of late, I rid myself of any of the males that display pistils because I’ve noticed not every male will “go female” at all, yet will still produce resins. But I think the jury is still out on all of this.

I should mention that I’ve also revegged males that did not display any resin; i.e the MDS males. However, every modern line that I fully reveg typically has varying degrees of resin.


I agree, it’s a super interesting technique where he had mentioned in that video, from what I remember topping then reveg, to get it to express genetic traits typically visible in the female plants. I’ve never done this but also am interested in experiences.


Just wanted to let you know, I had a buddy come by to grab some seeds, I game him free reign to pick some packs from my “vault” (minus those for the upcoming bubblegum super run) and the 1st thing he grabbed was you MDS pack!

They are going to be sun grown here in SoAZ, which is pretty close to Mexico. I expect they will do great for him!


I agree with topping the males first. For me, I THOUGHT doing so was mainly done out of Convenience, but now I believe it’s necessary. I’m currently experimenting with revegging a few fully-flowered males without removing any of their sac clusters.

Aside from taking much longer to see any new growth, the experiment is not going well :man_shrugging:t4: new green sacs are appearing. But there’s minimal new foliage growing near the base. It’s been 3-4wks. The males in this tent are begging me to just let them die.


How long did you flower the ladies and how much did they stretch? Any shots of the moms?


i would love some of that pollen if you have some still?


Sorry for such a late reply. I didn’t save any pollen from this run unfortunately. I fully intend however to start a filial run with the seeds I saved for myself in the next coming months. When I was shucking, I separated some seeds from the pissy, the fruity, the one I dubbed “my favorite” (looked the prettiest), and a random pack (similar to what I shipped out). I hope to do a large-ish sift, and make some female/ male selections.

If anyone’s still interested then, I’d be happy to send pollen, more seeds, etc


no worries my brother i know how things go, how was smoking this strain do you remember?


I’d be interested in some pollen. I’m in Canada if that’s OK?


This is gonna disappoint ya: I didn’t smoke any yet. The girls were wayyy too seeded… I didn’t wanna smoke a bunch of sugar leaves and seed husks :face_vomiting:


You still doing this MDS for PayPal funds? I’m interested in getting a pack or two.


Got 100% germ rates on mine! Popped some beans from two of my favorite phenos (the “pissy” & the “prettiest)