Lambchopedds clusterfuck of pollen plants n seeds

Ughh… I’ve always dreaded the idea of making one these because of paranoia and the vulnerability of showing my mistakes. But OG made me appreciate these as I’d read other journals and built some online friendships. So here goes nothing…

First thing first, my style of growing has changed several times over the years. Currently, I prefer to grow many smaller, untrained plants to “phenohunt”. From there you’ll typically see me reveg both males and females, take clones, and either make seeds with the selections (eventually) or just rave about their redeeming qualities; or both. I’ve always sucked at taking clones, and although I maximize my space, I’d much rather only put forth effort on plants I deem as “keepers”, opposed to cloning everything first then culling the non-keepers. Any advice on how to maximize space, yields, or improve my setup in general without sacrificing the amount of seeds I germinate, is welcomed.

Next useless detail is: I typically pop seeds once a month; although that’s negligible anymore, because longer flowering times throws off the next batch of seeds. What’s probably worth mentioning is that I will keep males with the intent of filial breeding every other round of seeds.

Lets talk about the plants currently in the stables without backtracking too much.

First we have Katsu/Pre-98 Bubba x 1979 Christmas Tree Bud bred by Respect Genetics. Respect does those freebies you get with your orders. Good guy. We’ve spoken a few times on IG, and I was lucky enough to snag all of this years freebie selections from JBC. These were part of my “female-only” seed-pop, so if someone out there is collecting pollen from theirs – HMU! Here’s some pics of 2 of the 4 – First pics are from day 16 (after pistils) and the other two pics are more recent.


I had several herms from a completely separate line of anything I’m going to show you (or talk about) here… so those orange-tipped pistils make me extra nervous :roll_eyes:

Moving on. Another good guy I met elsewhere and grabbed seeds from is Dino Party Chucks (aka Really Big Jesus Freak). If you dont know… I’ll let you look into him on your own. Always been a funny and cool guy with me. He had Bodhis original ASS (Appalachian superskunk) and selfed them [for freebies]. A close friend of mine who knows the deal, bought his Fake Shake for me to grow (lineage wont make sense unless you follow RBJF). Here’s some pics. Don’t ask me how old they are because I’m too lazy to get up right now. But it’s definitely early-ish… as in less than 5wks :upside_down_face:

Fake Shake… just 1

ASS s1s… stacking pretty nicely (these were topped a bunch)

Next up is Schwaggy Ps creation… '80s Black Afghani x Skunky Brewster. The Skunky Brewster originates from Strayfox by the way. If you find any old/hidden info on it, I’m all ears! This one is from a previous “I wanna make seeds” project; but I have not made any yet. Schwaggy used this male for most of his marketed stuff, but this cross was a freebie; and what can I say… I’m obsessed with oldschool afghanis. I’ve been vocal about this project elsewhere for a while. My screams (& pictures) must’ve reached Schwaggy because he recently sent me another pack to dig through, plus an '80s Afghani backcross pack, as well as a Skunky Brewster backcross pack… and one polyhybrid that I’ll probably just grow for its females.

These beauties are obviously revegging (2wks). The “purple one”, aka. #10 has a gassy smell, GREAT resin production, and a paranoia-inducing potent high that eventually mellows out. The other, aka #2, has the nicest Welches grape jelly smell on the front-end, gassy notes on the back-end, yielded better, finished (arguably) a week earlier, and at least has on-par resin production. No smoke test yet; wanna focus on the #10 before moving to the next.

The next reveg is Tony Greens Bubblehead. I only grew out 5 from my pack because these were meant to fill in holes that were made when I culled any herms. NONE of Tonys gear had intersex traits. This one being revegged was better in every way than its’ sisters. I never intended to keep it, but figured why not since I had it. I let majority of this harvest go to friends; and I haven’t asked anyone for reports yet because they’re smoking the sisters. My jar (the keeper) is still curing.

One of my current “for seeds” projects is brought to you via @Worcestershire_Farms , his Kashmir Azad stock; two packs that is, thanks to @minitiger giving me his. This one will play out over the next couple months. I potted all 21 that are left up a day ago, and separated the males that have OBVIOUS preflowers (9).

The main things to note here is that all of them look pretty damn uniform. Everyone says landraces prefer lighter feeds – but NOT these mfkrs. I could do a better job on feeding them but I’m scared to over-do it. I did however just give them a healthy dose of Alfalfa and Insect frass, so hopefully that satisfies them. One or more of the males fucking smells like weed; I haven’t cared to find out which one yet. The only other note to make is that one seems to be developing purple balls while the rest are green (so far).

It’s about that time I shut up. I have a Doc D “for seed” project coming soon (Purple Pakistani x Afkansastan/X18) but didn’t feel like taking pics of them in the solos. Probably just gonna pair the purple phenotypes with their purple counterparts, the greens with the green, then dig through the f2s at my discretion. Another project that may be coming… is some of Lucky Dog seeds Hunza Valley 91 f2s. Not sure what I’m gonna do with that one to be honest. Long story short, too few f2s came out of the pollination, and I popped what few I had because I THOUGHT the purple paki hybrids were gonna die off – boy was I wrong.


Dang man, I’ll be sitting around watching this for sure, he’ll of a line up. And the plans you have, right on!


i think anything from lucky dog seeds will be bomb. hunza valley sounds interesting. i have a pack of their chem fuego, and i would like their sunshine biscuits (cherry AK mother) but i cant justify spending more money than i already have. i look forward to seeing your results.


Nice lineup! Sounds like you will be busy for a while. I’ll be following.

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Love the variety, aka the clusterfuck of pollen an pistils. Nice work!


Nice thread. Everything’s looking good. How’d that Hunza Valley 91 turn out? Was it just a seed run?


I did a full write up on the Hunzas here & on RIU. Long story short, I loved it! I’m obsessed with all things Puck, so there’s a little bias.

For some reason when I made seeds, I only got about 30-something beans from two full grown plants :confused: So unless I pull gold out of these I doubt I’ll be going to f3 until I buy more packs and start from scratch



Yeah I like it like that. I try to focus on a seed project or two… but the “clusterfuck” aspect is typically me growing stuff from guys I like, seeds from OGers, or random pulls from my fridge-stash. This allows me to remain surprised and curious


Ah, okay, I just saw your report on that Lucky Dog thread. Looks like those Hunzas didn’t stretch much at all, huh? I checked that thread out months ago and there really wasn’t any activity on it, so I didn’t follow it. Seems like there’re more posts now, I’ll check it out.

One of my Chem Fuegos is fading really fast, only at day 31 of flower today. I’m not sure what to make of that, as everything else is looking nice and green.


Ill pop in for this one Mr Lambchop! Excited to see what you find.

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So I didn’t grow the Chem Fuego pure, but I grew out the Schism recently; which was Chem fuego + cookies. SkunkVA saw a couple of pics I posted on instagram and “confirmed” that mine were Chem-dominant (truth be told they all looked the same… so I’d assume they were all Chem-dom) and THAT was some killer smoke. It definitely pleased all my friends.

So I hope for the best on your harvest!


There’s probably a better place to ask this. But is anybody else growing the Woodstock Farmacy Acapulco gold? I was kind of expecting a preservation thread to be started by now.

I kinda feel obligated to start mine next but,

  1. I only have one pack, and
  2. I’ve been dying to get some other packs started (i.e Bodhi)

Not that any of this matters to anyone else but I was even thinking about running some MDS alongside the AGs :thinking: Thought that would be an interesting


Always digging your selections man, I’m going to stick around for the show if thats kosher.


Here’s an update about nothing:

• So I potted-up the Doc D Purple Pakistani x Afpaks… only thing I can say right now is that all had exceptional root development. No preflowers nor alternating nodes yet. Only have 11, so whatever happens happens. I’m keeping the males for sure, so maybe some f2s will come out this for the fridge-stash and whomever wants some (permitted that I get Docs permission)

I expressed making f-gen seeds with his gear before and he said he was fine with it.

• The Kashmirs are moving along. Several of the females are displaying that ‘variegated’ pattern. If anyone has some input on what they think/know it is, feel free to chime in.

Also that ‘purple male’ I mentioned here or in the Kashmir Crowdsourcing thread (I can’t remember which) — he’s not really purple. Sacs have reverted to green. He also dropped pollen first. So I may avoid him when it comes time to reveg/filial breed. They’re all fully flowering now.

• I’m starting to pot up the Hunza Valley 91 f2s. Several have alternating branches but no preflowers. Probably gonna drag my feet on these until I KNOW who’s a male — because I don’t have the space to play with their pollen. But I do have a growmie that’ll hold onto whatever for me if need be.

The only thing that worries me about these is that their leaves are all narrower compared to the F1s :thinking:

Also I apparently forgot to cut holes at the bottom of ones cup. It doesn’t look terrible although it definitely looks the unhappiest. Don’t ask me how it took me so long to notice. At least I know what was causing my fungas gnat infestation :sweat_smile:

And while we’re talking about these, has anyone noticed a high-rate of mutants with Chem hybrids? Between 3 Lucky Dog Strains and 2(?) Dominion Seed co lines, and even one Strayfox Chem91 hybrid, I always find these runty mutants at a rate of 10%. Another common mutant I find in their lines are these “tri…” — whatever they’re called. You know, the three-branch plants.


@Worcestershire_Farms has expressed some ideas about the variegation in his Kashmir thread.

edit, here Kashmir Crowdsource Testing - #414 by Worcestershire_Farms


Didn’t somebody on that Kashmir thread say they thought the variegation might be from some unknown virus? Pretty sure somebody was talking about that a few days ago.

Things sound good, anyway. All three of my Chem Fuegos are fine, didn’t notice any sort of weird mutations or runts or anything. But I only started with five, so I didnt have the largest population to begin with. I have had to stake and tie all three of them already, though, did it a couple days ago, actually, at day 36 of flower, which is way earlier than I normally have to stake and tie. A lot of times, it isn’t even necessary. I don’t know what’s up with that.


Getting heavy already? My experience with Lucky dog seeds is of course anecdotal, but everything out of my packs has been an above-average yielder. And significantly so in some cases.

I hope the best for your fuegos! I wanted that one for so long when headiegardens kept selling out.


WF was hypothesizing about it but I didn’t experience any jumping from one plant to another. I have 3 and one had the variegation like above. It seems to be in the line from somewhere but others have reported it, too.

I think it would be neat to try and breed a pheno of the variegated leaves. I’m not very educated on breeding so I’d be interested in knowing if that is possible.

My pheno was looking just like that when young, @lambchopedd . I’d say that maybe 15% of the leaves showed it, maybe 20+% at one point.


I’m sure it’s possible. People have bred other plants specifically for that trait, I don’t see why it couldn’t be done with cannabis, too.

Yeah, maybe. I just closed the tent for the night and one of the Mexican Melons (the one with three tops that didn’t break in half haha) was starting to flop, too, and she’s definitely not getting heavy yet. Probably has about seven or eight weeks to go. Gonna have to tie her up tomorrow, too. I dunno.


I feel the same way as you in this sense; I can’t say that it’s spreading from plant to plant per se. but I am keeping an eye on it. I’m not against thinking it’s a symptom of a virus. Though I have seen the variegation in other lines too. My biggest question about it is ”is this a trait?” .

But I’m just a guy. What do I know.