Growing with Air-Pots? Suggestions & tips please & thank you!

G’day everyone!

I’m really interested in starting to use Air-pots for my new 2x4 tent set-up and was curious of any tips and tricks y’all would suggest for a first time user? I’ve been seeing them in many grow journals here and have jotted down some notes gleaned from the entries.

I was “thinking” about using 4x #5 (green bottom) air-pots for the 2x4 tent but not sure if this is a good or bad idea. Because they dry out so fast I intend to use Promix BX and hand water slowly until I can set-up some rain-rings and a pump with timer.

Thanks everyone for your info pool!


I’ve been using them for a few years now and like them a lot. I’m so used to them that the watering doesn’t seem excessive to me but I’ve heard others not like that aspect. The rain ring or a blumat type deal should eliminate that issue nicely.

As far as tips they’re pretty straight forward. The only thing I can think of that’s different than any other pot is that you have to pack the soil into the points on the side as you go. It takes more soil than you’d think to pack the sides in.


Now THAT is a great tip! Thanks so very much @Slick1 . Your journal was one of the ones I was mentioning in my initial post. Very inspiring work :fist: .

In your opinion, am I pushing it with thinking 4x green base (pot no. 5) will fit in a single 2x4 tent?


Yeah that’s a little tight. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get you some pics. I let the plants get big enough that 2 would be max. Others don’t mind a crowded tent and might be ok with three encroaching on each other. 4 seems like pushing it.

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The pics posted out of order but it gives you an idea. I’m in a slightly oversized 2x4. The five gallon buckets are pretty close to the 5 gal airpot minus a tray at the bottom of the bucket, slightly smaller than with tray at the opening of the bucket.

In the picture where they’re staggered you would probably be able to get a fourth in but it would be crowded, specially if the plants bushed. It’s a no go for me personally cause I have a box fan going with that light and I wouldn’t get it in. let alone the angle I need, with more than 2.


Solid info. Thanks so very much! I totally see your points. I am going to do all this for a Kosher Kush seed run with STS; so after this I’m thinking 2x green bottoms for the females in the 2x4, with the sts’d “males” in traditional smaller pots in between the 2x airpots :smiley:


Make sure the hole are on the bottom.


@corgitron can you elaborate?

When you assemble them there are holes go on the bottom of the air-pot and not on the top. If you put the holes on top watering can become a chore.


If you line the inside , base and sides with weed control fabric and make it so it is 1 inch above soil/coco level the whole way around This acts like a bung wall so no erosion of soil/coco when watering , yucca in the feed now and then also helps condition the soil or coco so feeding magically flows straight in ( no pooling ) and is evenly spread throughout pot ie no dry spots and gets deep down to root tips at bottom of pot : ) plus knats hate it ( weed control fabric )
You will lose some volume inside pot with the fabric but it also saves you packing them sides with medium : ) less mess and hassle : )


Good call. I even forget sometimes lol

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Lol me too. I think its funny when i see people complaining about watering when they obviously didnt read the instructions.


one tip would be to make sure the top “points” are solid w/ no holes in them, there should be 2 rows like that. it holds more water at the top so more water is getting to the plants and not out the holes (at least at the top anyway)


Just likes this?!?
I’ve always used fabric pots, first year trying this style have to flip it next run watering can be annoying


i might be mistaken, but i think you have them backwards? you see how you have the 2 rows of blocked holes at the bottom. i think they’re supposed to go on the top, that way when you water them you have a couple inches of water rather than it spilling out immediately. that’s the way i look at it anyway.


Ya that’s what I was pointing out lol.
It’s good until it’s done flowering, gotta flip it for next run


Also , if you put the base an extra hole up and put something under it to stop base saging over time , you won’t need to buy them pot raisers , save some money


Thats a perfect example.

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DUDE. I totally get the holes on the bottom now! Thanks for the visual aid!


Bought air pots a decade ago. Used them 3 times and gave them away. Not worth the headache and seen no improvement over a normal pot.