Micro - Perpetual Sea Of Green

Aero cloner for the win!!! All the haze is rooting, and one of the Diesels. Blackberry Gum is rocking along. 10 days today. I’m pretty excited!


Ok OG, another update. The original 5 clones that I transplanted, I think had transplant shock. They didn’t seem to move until these past few days. They’re definitely growing now. I found fabric bags that are the same exact size as these .5gal containers, I’ll be switching to those.

Cloner is chugging along. Roots aren’t anywhere near what I’d like them to be; I’m considering adding clonex solution; or maybe the rapidstart I have left over. The roots in front are 15 days, 10 days since they popped.

Also popped 6 Double Diesel from Mr. Hashpants.


I’m wondering if it’s because of the kelvins…those look like 5k bulbs…you should try 3k or 2700k…might give you that stretch you’re looking for.

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Thank you for the visit Tappy! I ended up lifting them and adding more light.


Oh wow…looks great now! And those lights should keep the nodes tight…bonsai moms and clones should be perfect! Good stuff, man! :+1:

Tried to give like


I haven’t updated for a few weeks. Not much to show. The original 5 clones are in flower, but bonsai, lol. I took the first clones from the aero cloner, and placed them in the mom cab for 2 weeks. They took off and are looking great. I placed them in flower yesterday.

From the right, Blackberry Gum, Santa Marta Haze, and 3 Sour Diesels, #1,#2,#3. I have a few more clones of each diesel going in soon.

Most of these clones are going to flower in 2 weeks. I’ve added 4 Double Diesel, African Haze and Durban to the mom list. They’ll be cloned next round.


i love seeing tiny DIY cabinets, and this one is super tightttt
reminds me of ol’ Dr bud’s setup on ICmag

(are links to other sites ok?)

great job it seems quite efficent!


Thanks for stopping by. I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. I had 36 at the very bottom, before moving everything around.


Quick update. Flower cab is working. Haze is the tallest, and not near as bad as I thought it’d be. A few of these spent more time “veg’ing”, and had a bigger start. There are 7 strains in there. I don’t expect they’ll get this tall next round. I plan on cleaning the bottoms, after I switch out the bottom tray, this week.


Ok gents. I’ve split my cab in half, and have an upper and lower. I changed out the tray I had in there, and squared out some pond liner on both levels. Bought the Migro Array 4 and it’s on the bottom. Cobs turned down up top.

They’re chugging along, mostly happy. Watering is getting annoying, but it only takes 20min for top and bottom, not bad at all. The light is at 75%, I’ll crank it up in another week or two.

This is the top. They look pretty happy.


Hey bud lookin real good👍

I see your using square milk containers,
What are the bags? Like waxed paper?

I use hard plastic popcorn cups in a similar plant density.Z(1)

New lights are pretty sweet, how hot do they get?



Thank you! The bags are fabric. They’re the exact dimensions as the cartons, and I switched to those. The roots go crazy in them.

I love the new lights. They’re really well built. It’s been rocking low 80s, 3 feet from a radiator. Thanks for stopping by!


Jeez, feels like forever. Everything has been full steam ahead. In the bottom, the Santa Marta Haze, and African Haze are both into the ceiling; and they’re casting shadows, lol. Loving the Migro light.

This is Blackberry Gum. There’s one to the left, flopped over some.

This is Sour Diesel, Santa Marta Haze left and right.

This African Haze. It’s at least a 2ft cola. @Tykal


This is the top. There’s Blackberry Gum to the right. Another Sour Diesel (#2) in the middle. Double Diesel from Hashpants to the left. And one Durban Poison

Durban Poison. @Tykal


This is @Going2fast Scarlet Grapes. I kept them in a smaller container until they started to flower. Frostiest plants I’ve ever grown. Pics don’t do it justice. I’ll do straight into the bag next time. Probably soon.

Feb 10

March 11

March 17

March 24 - my fav pics

April 10 - chop


Very cool grow.

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Holy feck, well done!

This is the flower I’m most jonesing for! :drooling_face:

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