Micro - Perpetual Sea Of Green

Hello everyone. This is my first time doing a diary. I’m still a little apprehensive, but here goes nothing. I’m going to run a perpetual sog. Space is small, and I guess considered micro - 2x3. I’ve read up on bonsai mother’s, and that’s the plan. Last but not least, sog will be in 2L/.5 gal containers. They’re a few 2L, a few .5gal cartons, and a few gal containers. Whatever works best, but it can fit 40 x 2L/.5 gal.

Out of 4, only Santa Marta Haze, and Blackberry Gum popped. Sticky Monkey-GG#4 and Amnesia Lemon didn’t.

Haze popped first. But it’s since been surpassed. She def doesn’t like too much moisture; and she’s likely a mutant.

Waiting on my current to finish -Critical XXL


Welcome @IKEA22 very cool. Btw love the name :wink:


Welcome @IKEA22 to OG

The Critical XXl look like monsters!


Thanks. I’ve done a few, they all put out. She’s about 4mths from seed. 7gal dwc for the win!


Very nice!! DWC is such a great way to grow if you can keep it dialed. Solid grow!!!


This should be fun to watch.

:green_heart: :seedling:


That is impressive.

What is the height in your spaces?

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Thanks. Close to 8ft.


critical xxl looks wicked,
nice LED rack, is it DIY? how many watts?

ill be watching!


Thank you. The led rack is diy. Just aluminum angle. I’m pushing close to 400w.


thats a great sweet spot for power,
i like those giant heatsinks,

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Alright gents. Update. We were getting hammered with rain in the north east a few weeks ago. I procrastinated getting a dehumidifier for 3 weeks, and humidity was 70+ for few weeks. Long story short, I pop my head in and see mold on 2 tops towards the back. It looks like thinned cotton, and I had it once before on a huge 2l size cola. I didn’t take pics, I felt horrible. It seems to start from trunk/stem. Every single top had it, anywhere from 4-6in gone. Here’s my 3gal bucket full.

I had to pull the bag to add more.

Close up of what it looks like. I share, so made sure I cut far enough down.

But, I still finished at 315g dry. They got a little cooked, temps climbed to 95, and I couldn't leave ac on all day. They were just getting amber under 'scope.

My future bonsai moms are definitely dwarfed, lol. 50 watts of these new LEDs and I stunted them a little. I’ve since gotten the photone app, and adjusted to 300ppfd. Santa Marta haze left, Blackberry gum right.

My friend asked for sour diesel…they sprouted less than 24hrs. All three are SD.

I’m waiting on seeds that I promised to grow asap. And I also won seeds from @DougDawson today. Off to a slow start, but I haven’t done soil in years; dwc was sooo easy for me.


Moving along. My diesel seedlings are doing good. Haze and blackberry gum are recovering; I re-potted them with my soil/perlite mix 2 days ago. Fed them yesterday. I’m hoping to pull some clones in the next few weeks. They looked real nice tonight but I didn’t snap a pic. This morning:


Quick update. They’re not growing as quick as I’d like. Made more adjustments, and they’re moving along, and recovering.



Shout out to everyone who helped in the sick plant section, Thank you. They helped steer me in the right direction.
I ended up changing a few things, and I swapped back to my old setup, except now led bulbs. Clones are 5 day old and look happy/alive. I left a lot on them, they’re pretty small. Week after next, I’ll transplant them and throw them into flower. I can see my next clones growing nice on the “mom’s”.

First day. It was a pain to pull the bags and keep them moist.


Yesterday in the sun!


Was the “old” setup for the clones cfls?

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It wasn’t for clones specifically, but yes on the CFLs. I used to start everything in this small cab. I had a viparspectra xs1000 (120w), turned all the way down, and it’s just too much in there.


I don’t know if I’m just used to dwc, but things aren’t moving as fast as I’d like. My bonsai moms are still growing, and I have to refer to pics to make sure there’s progress. I may add the splitter and add an extra 2 bulbs, see if it helps; but they’re not stretching like the light is too weak.

Clones aren’t dead, lol. They were doing great, except for the back middle one. I’ve been misting am and pm. I’ve had the vent cracked open, staying at 80% - 90% easy. I opened it all the way yesterday. This morning it was 50%rh, and they weren’t happy. I also had a 60w equiv’ led (800 lumens) over the humidome, and shut it off today too.

I’m using 6-8gal a day in the humidifier…it barely gets over 40%rh, and it’s in the teens without; unless it’s raining. Sensor gets hit by humidifier, 1 is flower cab, 2 is mom cab, 3 is humidome.


Wow. I haven’t visited my own thread.

I’ve been keeping the ball rolling. I took a few more clones and set them up in a separate tray, in soil instead of rooters. Original clones still hadn’t rooted after 3wks. I noticed my temp dipping to 65-68*, and I put some heat mats under both trays.

5 days ago I was able to transplant 4 of the 5 original clones.

I’m using half gal containers. One clone, of the second tray of clones made it too. I turned the light up, and switched to 12/12 today.

I prob had 15 clones or so in the second tray, most dampened off; they’re 4 left. I got an aero cloner 3 days ago, clones are 2 days old.

Bonsai moms are coming along. I’m getting the hang of it.


We’re still chugging along.

The bonsai moms are doing good. I may pull some more clones tonight. The front is sour diesels. Back left Haze and blackberry gum right. I have 4 clones left in the bottom. 3 weeks and they still haven’t rooted; I may have lost one pulling out to check yesterday.

Clones in “cloner” are good. It’s right next to the humidifier, so it’s more or less ok. Even still it was mid to low 20%rh last few days. But, 7 days and the blackberry gum clones are rooting.