Igor's Wardrobe of Shame

Hey everyone, welcome to my Wardrobe-of-Shame grow diary. Growing these plants is still a bit illegal here, and there are a few people who would be horrified if they knew my dirty secret. So if I get hit by a bus while I’m growing the devil’s lettuce please tell my mum I was a good boy really.

I’ve been photobombing other people’s grow threads up to now so I’ll start a bit of a diary of my own to try to get over the photo shyness. I used to grow indoors in Mapito with hps many years ago, then life took over and I moved around a bit. I have a pretty basic setup, a 4x2 space with a 250w led, a fan and extractor. I’m using self watering planters with Canna Coco and coarse perlite this time around. I’m loving the Coco to be honest. Up to now I’ve grown feminised seeds as I don’t have the room to grow out multiple plants and then cull the males so I’m aiming for a perpetual grow style, starting one new plant per month and harvesting one and it seems to be working ok. I’ll try to keep updating but it’s a bit like groundhog day in there sometimes.

Hoping some of you will tag along for the ride and share your photos too and any advice and questions.

So this is my space…

From the left, Grapefruit with a week or two to go but will get chopped early next week.

In the middle, AK47 with about 6 weeks left to go

In the back corner another AK47, and a Cherry Zoap.

I’ll be popping some Blue Dream seeds next week to fill the space the grapefruit will leave. And thanks to the generosity of some key OG growers and the fundraisers I’ve got a nice selection for some outdoor fun next spring.


They look fantastic. We will be sure to clear your grow room, and take all the ladies home with us, in case of your untimely demise. :laughing:

Looking forward to watching your grow!


Looks great bromigo


Beautiful plants ! The devil would be proud of what you have accomplished with his lettuce ! :grin: :rainbow:


Always love those stealth setups, I see some tacoing in the Grapefruit, lamp is not too close so maybe it is just heat stress? icon_e_confused|nullxnull Perhaps pointing that fan (or getting another) directly to the lamp would help, do you measure temperature and RH?


Those grapefruit leaves are almost brittle any movement and they crumble. The fan is pretty much blowing side to side across the back of the light. Temps are about 15c during lights out and just hitting 20c during lights on. RH hovers around 50%. It’s not ideal but it’s not really possible to heat the area. Summers here are hot so the buildings are designed to let the heat out.


Temps are not the culprit then, maybe you can pull up the light to see if it feels more comfortable, tacoing is normally a defense to expose less surface and keep humidity … beer3|nullxnull


Ah ok, that’s good to know and makes sense @George thank you. I may have had the light too close in the past, I used to have a UFO type light that I’d run closer as the output felt quite “narrow” but it didn’t give off much heat.


How about an oscillating fan blowing over the canopy, is the one up top to cool the light or blow warm air down? Good to see a fellow antipodean with a grow thread, good on ya mate.


Thanks mate. The fan oscillates and cools the light but also blows down the sides of the light, there’s quite a bit of leaf movement all through the canopy. It’s there more to avoid mould than anything.


A productive night at Igor Towers. Chopped the grapefruit, there’s about 1lb wet so hopefully about 3-4oz dry. Everything’s a bit more manageable in there now. The big AK47, jeez that girl likes to drink, she’s taking about 3L and feels bone dry the next day. I topped her tonight.

I also saved the sugar trim and might try one of these, keep it in the freezer and give it a shake each visit. Has anyone tried it? https://www.kiefkollector.com/

Bedtime now, up for work in 3 hours :ok_man:


I wish they sold weed at Woolworths in NZ😅


Quick update…
The grapefruit I chopped last Sunday is drying nicely, it’s past the mould risk stage anyway. That’s freed up some space so I stupidly triple filled the space by popping 3 x Blue Dream beans (blueberry x Haze) two are on their way nicely while the 3rd is open with root showing but not poking out so it’s in intensive care.

Big plant (AK47) has filled the space on the left since last week, the Cherry Zoap (middle) is looking good, nice and perky with praying leaves, another AK47 on the right about a month behind the one on the left. I’m moving the light about a bit trying to keep them all happy at their different stages.

Here’s the baby Blue Dreams, an Aussie classic apparently, I heart Blueberry so should be good, and a clone I scored today of Barney’s Farm Triple Cheese. Fingers crossed she roots well.


This AK47 is overgrowing the wardrobe. She’s a thirsty girl, guzzling full strength nutes plus extra PK and Calmag. I’ve defoliated her a couple of times and it grows back over the next few days so I’ll leave her to do her thing her way from now on. Nice serrations on the leaves :heart_eyes:

Cherry Zoap showing some nice early frost.

Two Blue Dream babies and a triple cheese clone. They will probably be the last three indoors for me before stopping for summer. So far I have a lifetime 100% success rate with clones. If this one roots also that will be 2 for 2 :rofl::crazy_face:

The wardrobe is maxed out for now.


Groundhog day in the wardrobe of shame. Everything’s looking a bit bigger but not much.
AK47 is flowering well with lots of flower sites, she’s a bushy thirsty girl.

The Cherry Zoap is helping out by staying small, smells amazing and just how you would imagine from the name.

Seedlings and clones, no roots showing under the pots yet. Will be interesting to see if the AK47 clones root well, they were just cut and put in wet Coco, no rooting gel.

2nd AK47 is much lighter green than her sister, strange how they darken up as they flower.

Overview, I raised and leveled up the light tonight, the plant on the far right was almost in shade.

Happy with my little perpetual setup, nice variety.


Cherry Zoap is looking nice and frosty today. Really starting to smell like one of those soap bar shops.


Looking good so far … beer3|nullxnull


It all went a bit Pete Tong in the W.O.S. the 5 small plants weren’t getting any light so I sorted out a clone tent with a CFL light. My plan backfired a bit as the plants in the main flower wardrobe just grew to fill the space within 24hrs and the clones and seedlings are almost touching the light within a week. I think the cold was keeping them small being down low in the flower wardrobe but the clone tent is toasty warm and humid as fuck so they’re going for it in there. A couple of these will go to a local mate to grow outdoors, I’ve got some felt grow buckets and Canna Terra for them to be transplanted into. Spring is just around the corner.

Litfarms Cherry Zoap is close to finished, she’s on the flush now. Might crop her this weekend, looking frosty as.

The main wardrobe has two AK47s about a month apart, and the Cherry Zoap snuggled in the middle there.

The new clone chamber is looking ok with two Blue Dream seedlings (left) two AK47 clones (middle) and a Barney’s Farm Triple Cheese clone (right)


Loving the grow drobe, brilliant man.


Update time…
I harvested the little Cherry Zoap, there won’t be much there as I basically put a rooting clone straight into flower, maybe half an Oz if I’m lucky, but it’s all frosty as. I vaped some of the individual larger calyxes up the main stem, they were black! Couple of drags and it put me on my arse, it’s super strong stuff.

I potted up a Blue Dream into the wardrobe with Canna Coco pebble mix. The AK47 on the left still has a few weeks to go I think, while the one on the right won’t stop stretching.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve topped it and defoliated it. Gave it a lolipopoping. The clone tent has another blue dream and two more AK47 that were cut from the stretchy one that will be going outdoors at a mate’s place.

There’s also a Barney’s Farm Triple Cheese clone I was gifted and I took another AK47 cut although I’m not that keen on growing it if it’s going to be that stretchy. I popped a couple of seeds late last week, a super silver haze and Northern Lights#2 from @JohnnyPotseed recent OG auction. Get well soon brother.