Microgrowers: to sidelight or not to sidelight

For the most part, conventional wisdom suggests that the best way to place your lighting is above the plant covering the canopy evenly:

However I know some microgrowers say that growing in a tiny space means you have to maximize every square inch of the plant’s growing area by putting lights along the side of the plant so that the entire length of the bud is exposed to plenty of light:

I’m curious if anyone here has strong opinions about this and / or if there’s any convincing science one way or another. Particularly as it applies to microgrowers.


I don’t really have a strong opinion on it, but you only need look as far as the phototron to see that it works. I know some of the space bucket people do the led strips around the inside too.

And if you look outside of micro grower at the different vert rooms out there, which are all sidelight, and you can see that you be crazy productive with side light.


If you ask me I’d say ditch the side lighting and train the plant as best you can to maximize top lighting. If you need to keep a little distance at the side, even if it’s only a few inches, you lose a lot of footprint.

I have never used side lighting. Even on micro grows.


It can be done, this guy is a bit unconventional but gets decent yields in a small space with lots of side lighting.


I say up to w4 all above , then after w4 drop some down the side

All depends on what you want them to shape , your vision
I would flip clones in there 3-5 day veg ,
And get nice colas top to bottom ( my vision )

I’m adding side lighting as I have saved watts changing to led
Befor I used bare vertical bulb after w4

Th closer you can get them to 45 degrees I’m sure the better ( angle of side lighting )

: )


I agree with this 99.9% of the time, exception being the aforementioned vertical. It seems to me one must commit to one or the other, but I’m sure someone is going to share some good results shortly after I post this, lol Most everytime I tried suplimental side lighting I think it ultimately confised the leaf growth directions and bud growth patterns. I’m sure I did it wrong/not optimal, but It sort of made too much ofa mess on the lowers for my fried brains liking.

Nice even canopy and top lighting.

A lower will always be a lower. My 2 cents :grin:


When I’m collecting pollen from males I put them on their side, pot and all, and it’s amazing how quickly they bend back towards the light so I think you’re right about that.

But there are many ways to do it and my suggestions are not gospel.


This is a weird place to ask but on the old overgrow there was somebody with a plant they had grown in like a four by eight plot where they weaved the branches in and out of the dirt…so they had one eight foot “tall” by four feet “wide” tree with multiple root sights

Am I imagining this? @DougDawson ?

I want to say it was strawberry cough but my remembery is snot a steel trap.

Edit. I also want to say it was in the uk somewhere

And it’s kind of relevant, what about a vertical grow in a tall narrow closet, with an air cloned (is that the right term?) in the middle. All side lighting.


It sounds a variation on the air layering technique but I couldn’t point you towards it exactly.


Air layering, thank you buddy


In a vertical grow, would you supplement with “side lighting” from the top and bottom?

What affect does gravity have on plants?

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Elon, I need a favor. This time it’s super important.


If I grew weed in one of those column things in the background of this picture I’d use side lighting


Yes I think in that instance it might be a good strategy. Too tall for effective light penetration from above.


In my small areas I do not. I do not see a logical reason for it. the plant has evolved over millions of years to photosynthesize from that single source fireball 8 light minutes away.


I do for sure.

I started out growing stealth in small spaces. square footage is precious…

I’ve found you can use wayyy more light (per sq ft) if you spread it out. cooling and feeding get trickier, of course. the plants can look a lot different

the implication is that you’d have to choose an appropriate strain and grow style, and have a good space to take full advantage.

perfect example. SB is a great teaching tool, and very useful in general…

:point_up: :+1: this

that thread is a mess, but some of his pics tell the tale for sure

yeah, but if often fully lights the plant uniformly, top to bottom. loving the sun IS loving side-light…


+1 side lighting

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on a moveable track :rofl:

True but that fireball moves up to 180° in the sky every day, it doesn’t just hang out overhead in one spot for 18 hours.