What’s the angle of your dangle? (Non-orthogonal light hanging)

I tried to get the light in frame better and then realized tilting it totally fucks up your perception of the angle, but I digress… Lately I’ve been using wire shelving to elevate my plants, eventually changing it to this tiered approach. It’s much easier on my back, and I think the plants are enjoying more even lighting because they are closer to the light. So I did some research on other “stadium grows”.

Well here is the first issue. I like growing in living soil. Which means eventually the pot size is pretty big. So I think I can only get away with two, maybe three levels. Easy enough… except here’s the catch, I don’t want two sides, only one. So rather than having plants on either side of a row of bare bulbs, I went with a reflector hanging about 30* from the floor.

So friends, have you ever done this? Any tips? The only downsides so far is that there have to be rotated, and the light right behind my head is a bit unpleasant. I have them all on boot trays for an easy 180* flip so really not that bad.


i havent been to brave to do anything crazy, maybe a slight tilt when i run my cmh and hps together. i typically setup my cmh on the outside of the footprint and aim them towards the center of my 6x6 area with the hps direct center. Ill snap photos later.


I’ve had times where I’ve hung my lights at an angle or the usual side lights as well. But I’m in a small closet/room for mine so it’s not as much area to try to cover.


Flowering out a couple moms right now, and they’re way too tall. Have two, 240w lights, hanging at 45 degrees towards each other, with the plants in the middle.

Does wonders for secondary growth


That was the first thing I noticed, the growth under the “top” canopy exploded. Some stadium grows I see utilize that, and grow 2 ft tall spears.